Green Money



By: M. Dickinson

Green Money

Good business, No Business

In a bad economy; cities, towns, counties, and states should be welcoming to any and all forms of industry and business with open arms, tax incentives, and programs to help them avoid red tape. Many industries have support from the federal government.

Does your city want to build tanks for the US Army? If so, take a number and get in line to get tax dollars. Does your city have an economy based on a dying industry (like automobiles) and want to encourage small business owners to open up shop? Get in line for government incentives.

Yet, while local governments all claim they want to allow freedom in opening and operating new business to create jobs, and thus beat the economic downturn, the reality is they don’t. While government should view all new businesses that open as good business, this is simply not the case. The sad reality is that cities only want politically correct, community friendly businesses to open, contributing to their already bleak financial situations.

Examine the increasingly hard time adult businesses have faced in opening, and still do, even now while cities are struggling to attract businesses and jobs.

In the State of Washington, as well as several others, businesses have opened up that fully utilize the law, having topless or semi nude legal age females serving coffee, offering a great employment opportunity for people who may otherwise be unemployed. What is the public’s reaction to these new businesses? Protest and complaints over it from citizens who are too shallow to understand jobs are jobs, and tax revenue is tax revenue. While some would like to put churches on every corner, nothing is more ”killing” to the finances or tax revenue of a community then a church, since they create no tax revenue.

Take a further look at the small town of Illiopolis, Illinois. A typical small town smack central in the heart of Illinois. Illiopolis sports an unemployment rate of 8.8 percent, compared to the national average of about 6 percent, and since the year 2007, jobs in the Illiopolis area have decreased by 19 percent. The end result of this has been fewer jobs for the work force and vacant buildings. Yet when local developers wanted to spend money and open a gentlemen’s club in a vacant building, they were rebuffed, harassed, and denied by the county Board of Supervisors to the point they withdrew their application.

”I imagine the building will just sit there. There’s not going to be any tax revenues or jobs created,” Michael Myers, an attorney representing the developers said. It is much of the same story in Greensboro, North Carolina, a town reeling from unemployment and the downsizing of the textile industry. While businesses that have survived the economic downtown should be left free of harassment, one gentleman’s club, ”Sugar Bare Lost Dimensions” in has become the target. With great pomp and circumstance local police publicly announced the club is a nuisance that attracts crime. What they fail to mention is that the club is ”zoned” into a crime ridden part of town, through no fault of its own. This means the crime would exist regardless of the clubs presence. Police also fail to mention that it is a well known fact that during economic downtowns, areas that are crime ridden have intensified incidents of crime.

Is Iowa recession proof? Any Iowa politician or citizen bitching about the recession should shut up and sit down. After all, the government of Dubuque, Iowa, spent $15,000 dollars of taxpayer money to buy an adult club out and filed a $15,000 insurance claim. All in all, the strip club owner came out with $30,000 dollars of taxpayer money. Guess in Iowa they’d rather run out and buy out businesses they don’t like rather than buy computers for schools.

In a time of a recession when the country is running in the red, all money is still green. was founded by Mike Dickinson. If you want to be involved, offer ideas, or exercise your right to free speech and tell him you hate his ideas please email him at