Batman’s Belfry: The Year of Laree


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Tony Batman

Rachelle Laree

(RICHMOND, VA) — The A! Crew has been fortunate enough to have been many places and seen many a splendor things…but this year has been unequivocally the year for Feature Entertainer Rachelle Laree.

Let me take you back to July ’08…I began receiving emails from Ms .Laree wondering why I hadn’t written any press about her (Ok…I had no idea who she was)…at that time she hadn’t been featuring but 2 years…and after having several conversations with her, seeing her impressive bio, and hearing some pretty amazing stuff about her performances…I decided to do a little investigative reporting myself.

If you have been reading about my travels; you know that I hopped on a plane to Des Moines, Iowa and met Ms. Laree for a Midwest mini-tour. It only took me 2 minutes to realize that This is the breath of fresh air that the feature circuit needed.

Now don’t get me wrong…there are many beautiful and talented ladies out there today…but I had never seen anyone like this. The energy that exudes from her the second she hits the stage is unsurpassable. She walks on her hands, does back flips, front flips, spins on head, contorts, and has a blast the whole entire time. The element of goofiness and fun makes her shows even more exciting. She has great costumes, props, and lighting effects…but she doesn’t need them. As you watch Rachelle dance; all your thinking is ”what the hell is she going to do next?”

When I first interviewed Rachelle she spoke of how grateful she was to be featuring. A minor cut to her pinky finger in Oct ’07 almost killed her when she received a deadly infection in the hospital. She wasn’t fully recovered (she did a few shows and contests) and back on the road until June ’08…”I am so grateful to my agents for getting me back on the road. I didn’t know if I was going to make it and that was scary. I’m going to bust my ass this year to make them proud!”

With that being said… Rachelle Laree doesn’t make promises she can’t keep …in August ’08 she was a nominee for ”Club Favorite” by Exotic Dancer Magazine. She began increasing her touring schedule and making a name for herself all over the country. In February ’09 Rachelle was invited to the Penthouse Golden G-String contest in New Orleans.

I spoke to Rachelle a few times but she was immersed in rehearsals, workouts, and who knows what else to prepare.” Its an honor to even be invited to this contest…I’m happy to have the chance to perform for the club owners and my agent from a-List Features…so they can see I’m healthy and back at it!”… All her hard work paid off; she won the Penthouse Golden G-String Overall Title and the Magazine Division gold medal.

I was unable to make the contest; but after seeing pictures from the show I could see why. Her always amazing body was even more tanned, toned, and fit than ever…the stage set and props looked to be professional…and the look in her eye said ”I can do this!”…and she did.

Fresh off her G-String victory she immediately started preparing for the Exotic Dancer National Championship. Again…Rachelle didn’t disappoint us. She did her Indiana Jones themed show …complete with a cave like stage set…tiki torches… pedestal with a rotating crown on it…rope to swing across the stage…and the ever famous ”boulder” that knocks her over in her quest for the crown. Each and every contestant did an amazing job…but the standout and winning show deserving of the Exotic Dancer National Championship belonged to Rachelle… and yet again… she received her victory!

So I ask…what’s next in the ”Year of Laree?” Well… along with the cash and prizes for winning the EDNC…Rachelle received an automatic nomination for Entertainer of the Year at ED Publications -Annual Gentlemans Club Expo held August 23-26 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. ”I’m still in shock! There were so many great shows…the girls that were there Rocked! I made some new friends and had a chance to be with some of my closest friends in the world. I worked really hard this year and kept telling my agents how honored I would be if I could get that chance to perform at the Expo Awards Show…and I still can’t believe that I’ll be up on that stage!”

Well Rachelle…you can be very convincing! So keep looking for stories and her upcoming blog featuring ”Rachelle’s Road to Expo”

Tony Batman

A! Entertainment Show