Batman’s Belfry: Nightmoves Awards


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Tony Batman

Tony Batman

(TAMPA, FL) — We have been through all of the preliminary nights leading up to the actual awards show, I loved my night at the Gold Club they always rock. Sunday started early since I stayed up the night before until 6 am entertaining ”Tampa Girl”…

The rehearsal was at the club where the awards were to be held later in the night. The Dallas Bull is a huge country bar that had a giant stage and two stories for the fans and stars to hang out. This was much bigger than last years awards at the Brick House 54 club and it was even closer to the hotel. I had a lunch meeting with the guys from X-Digg who drove down just to meet me in person. If you did not read about the A! Entertainment News, X-Digg deal that was made not too long ago, it’s basically a deal where A! Entertainment gets its own page on their popular website.

We met at the Green Iguana inside the hotel and had a bite to eat while doing a bunch of idea crunching on how to further our relationship together. The problem was I had to leave for the run through of the awards show in less than an hour and my head was still fuzzy from the night before. After a quick meeting it was time to go to the club and when we got there we instantly noticed that the temperature inside the club was right above the freezing point.

The Nightmoves crew was running around like crazy putting up banners, building the stripper pole at the end of the main stage, Video checks, sound checks and a bunch of last second stuff that needed to be done. These are things that people don’t get to see when the show goes off without a hitch. Most of the time there is a massive amount of pre show work put in to make that shiny night that everyone enjoys.

We did what we had to do and headed back to the hotel to get ready for the party bus that was to take us all to the awards. I had about an hour and a half before it was time to go so there was no time to be tired or even relax. After getting ready and calling all the photographers and part time A! Crew people to make sure they were going to arrive on time, I made my way down to the hotel lobby and met the caravan of stars who were gathered and ready for the ride to the Dallas Bull Bar.

I have to say that everyone was dressed up beautifully and the girls looked great. The people staying at the hotel that were not involved in the show sure got an eyeful as we waited to depart.

When we got to the club we noticed that the wind had kicked up a bit and threatened to blow down the Nightmoves media wall that was set up in front of the red carpet. At one point the Nightmoves staff had to hold the wall up to keep it from blowing away, Florida weather can be unpredictable to say the least.

We have already posted the winners and told everyone who won what and why so let’s talk about the show itself here. First off the band that played the show, the Dive Bar Stalkers, was probably the most exciting band I had seen on stage in a long while, this was their second year doing the show and they did not disappoint. They really brought up the energy during the night and the crew loved when they played. At one point in the night Paul Allen, the Nightmoves owner, sat in on the drums, and Ron Jeremy joined in on the harmonica. It was really good, no really it was. It was a highlight of the night for sure.

All night long on stage the main hosts were myself, Ron Jeremy and Kaylani Lei. We took turns announcing things, introducing people and the normal things that hosts do. I wish we got more Kaylani but she was doing a bunch of things at once and came out on stage with us only a few times. She is so hot though; any time with her is worth the price of admission. I have to give a huge shot out to the stage dancers who entertained during the intermissions, I believe they primarily came from the Tampa Déjà vu club and they did an awesome job every time out. Of course I had a favorite, lets call her ”pinky”, not because she wanted to remain anonymous but because I never got her name, even though her and I took a short break and went in the crowd to get a couple of drinks together.

The show really did go off without a hitch and as we were wrapping up Paul and Tracy Allen brought me out on stage and honored me with a Nightmoves Award for special recognition. I was stunned and very proud. I now have 3 Nightmoves Awards at home and am proud of every one of them.

We all made our way back to the hotel and everyone met at the pool as we have been doing the entire weekend. I met up with ”Tampa Girl” again and told her we needed to go back to my room because this was my last night in town and I really wanted to get to know her better. Let me be a gentleman and just say I had a really good time over the weekend with ”Tampa Girl” and can’t wait to do it again.

I said good bye to her as I made my way back to the hotel lobby to catch the airport shuttle, thank goodness a bunch of us had afternoon flights because I would have never made that plane if it was any earlier than 2pm. I stayed up really late again, time flies when you’re having fun. I made the plane along with about 5 or 6 other people and fell asleep in my seat as soon as I sat down. From what I can remember, this was a great Tampa Nightmoves show.

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Tony Batman

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