Debi’s Diamonds of Depravity: Perils of Pain


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Debi Diamond

Debi Diamond

I got beat this weekend and feel deeply in love… Insane perhaps, but thought I would write about it…

When you enter a situation in which, you trust another human being so completely and fully, you must, as I have, be ready and willing to except the pain.

In this situation for which I speak of now, I refer to both physical as well as mental pain…

Let me start with the physical pain, something I love, I know now, I need in my life, I must have, not a bad thing and if you don’t understand it, it may very well look as though it were a bad thing, but believe me, it’s a good thing, for me, a necessity in life overlooked for many years and now that it is brought to the forefront, it stands alone and I respect it and better yet, respect the need I have for it.

The hard part of this equation is finding the trust in another human being. Love and trust go hand in hand.

On to the mental pain, the hurt that is associated with loving someone, especially if you have loved very few times if at all and just the innocence of inexperience, learning the ropes, dealing with another and not having them right where you believe they should be, feeling just the way you think they should feel, doing the things you only wish they would do, and feeling completely overwhelmed with confusion and all the while knowing, it will Never be right… this is all in all a very painful occurrence…

I can explain this as pain, I feel now, going on simultaneously, and in harmony, almost a beautiful thing…. Am I completely insane? Or is it me being me?