Kelly Wells Loves Australia


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Ms Kelly Wells

Ms Kelly Wells

Ms Wells spoke to us at AINews today and it appears she was blindsided by the news she was expected to be in Australia. Knowing her manager is the trusted and well respected Mark Spiegler lends credence to the letter to her Australian fans below:

I read the story titled “Kelly ‘Fn’ Wells Blows Off Australia” [linked below] and thought, “What?! Are you kidding me?!” I love ALL my fans and definitely wouldn’t bail on seeing my fans in Australia! I apologize about the misunderstanding!

I was tentatively planning on visiting Australia but since I did not want to go alone (nor did I sign any contracts or agreements confirming a venture to Australia) the plans fell through!

Also e-mails to the blog or are not coming to me. These are not authorized sites. Besides I am thee Kelly Wells (a.k.a.) Kelly Fuckin’ Wells, not Kelly “Fn” Wells!

Again, I apologize to my Australian fans for the misunderstanding and I hope that you all still love me!