Italy To Display Ancient Erotica


Source: AP


(NAPLES, Italy) — Ancient Roman frescos, mosaics and statues depicting men and women having sex are to go on display next month in the restored “secret wing” of Naples’ Archaeological Museum.

The 300 artifacts – many unearthed from the Roman city of Pompeii that was buried when Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79 – were discovered in the past decade but were kept away from the public because of their explicit content.

Now, even children will be allowed to peer at the X-rated treasures – although elementary school students will need a letter of consent from their parents or teachers.

Considerable evidence testifies that Pompeii’s wealthy merchants and visiting sailors had a taste for eroticism and that prostitution flourished in Roman times.

Most of the artifacts were found in bathhouses or bordellos in Pompeii and Herculaneum, another ruined ancient city near Naples.

The exhibit is set to open in April.