Costumes by Antonia


Source: Costumes by Antonia

By: Company Press Release

Costumes by Antonia

Now you can even ask Antonia FOR anything… in the way of costumes!

Hello Duckies! This is a special announcement from Yours Truly, The Pundit of Porn, The Master Debater, The Cunning Linguist! Yes, It is I, Antonia with some Hot News for all of my fans out there in Cyber Space.

I am sending this special Press Release at the request of my Editor (The Stud-Muffin Mr. Steve Nelson) as a response to the many queries from our readers regarding my extra curricular activities.

What many of you may not know is this: Not only am I an award winning Journalist, but I am also an award winning Artist and Costume Designer. “What exactly does she do?” you may ask. Well, that means that I get to see famous people in their underwear and take their measurements. So as you can see, my exposure to nude celebrities is not limited to Porn Stars.

I am inviting all of you to visit my site

Browse to your hearts content and who knows, you may even wind up placing an order for your custom made fantasy, and I will get to see YOU in YOUR underwear and take YOUR measurements! Click the Link below to get to

“Custom Made Fantasies From the Historical to the Hysterical”