In the Adult Industry? Do You Have Health Insurance?


Source: Musotica

By: Sarah

Sarah, photo courtesy of

Dear Musotica Friends,

I get worried when girls in the adult industry e-mail me and tell me they have no health insurance! Why not? It is tax deductible! Do you have $80 to $100 dollars a month? Are you afraid that you will not be able to pay hospital bills? Do you have kids? There are so many reasons for being safe.

I was lucky that I was covered for hospital costs and that I did not have a $30.000 dollar hospital bill or an astronomical doctor’s bill. So do me a favor and get health insurance! Even if you do not want it from me!



Now, there’s a Free service through eHealthInsurance, where you can quickly learn about health insurance, shop and compare what’s available, and actually buy a plan online that meets your needs.

Click here to get Free Instant Quotes for short-term, long-term, or small business coverage! [Please follow the link below]