Merry Christmas from Fred Salaff Group


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Lawrence Connor

Fred Salaff

Hi member of Yahoo Groups for Fred Salaff, On behalf of the Group and to all our members, I wish you all Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays. If that be Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or otherwise. Best Wishes and Blessings for us all. And remember the plight of our dear friend, Fred Salaff, who’s ordeal is not over yet, and his fate is not decided yet.

I know more than a few of us are concerned, as I am myself, and we may have thought to help before, and then again, it has only been a small number of us who have actually, contributed to the fund for the badly needed resources.

The case that Mr. Salaff had the misfortune to have gotten caught up in by others wrongdoing has not been settled yet. I hope for a Happy New Year for us all, and Mr. Fred Salaff.

The Legal Defense Fund is at an all time low in funds now. It is in the Red/(negative) and not enough has been paid for the legal services rendered so far, even! So, any amount donated in your generous contributions is badly needed and would be and will be very greatly appreciated.

Mr. Frederick Salaff, I most of all hope for you during this time of year to keep your hope alive, and spirit bright and hopeful toward a satisfactory vindication of yourself and all other’s still entangled in this traumatic case of miss-justice, and that your future is one to look forward to with hope for a renewed life, a new life, with a hope for return to normalcy and decency, as a viable continued existence with some dignity intact after this dark chapter has closed of the recent & present very disturbing travesty of justice, I pray, with all our help.

May God bless you, Mr. Fred Salaff, and all the others who had wrongly been harmed in this situation by Panama in it’s injustice, and may these dark days end for you and all involved, with a just outcome and a vindication from the nonsense accusations, as soon as possible, I pray for a speedy just conclusion, that all persons involved may be either judged not guilty or perhaps even having the cases thrown out of court, even, as soon as possible, may this be the right conclusion soon, God willing, and with our help, to end this nightmare soon.

I am a volunteer, and Group member, Lawrence Connor. I made this following web page to help out here:

I made that web page at my site to help out Fred Salaff and his fund as just a volunteer and for this Group as a member here at the Yahoo Group.

Please donate to the Legal Defense Fund for Mr. Fred Salaff and all contributions are badly needed and greatly appreciated, even if we could, some few of us, to donate a modest amount of perhaps $20 or merely a small $10 donation, all these contributions go toward needed things, the lawyers bills and some other necessary expenses, as after all, Fred has not been allowed to either leave the country of Panama, and also has not been allowed to work, while in his status awaiting the outcome of his case which has been delayed, in a similar condition / circumstances as a house arrest.

In fact Mr. Salaff is in poor health and needs medications which are not cheap and needs to keep in supply so to buy those.

I do wish Fred a Merry Christmas and a message to keep hope alive. I wish all of us members a Merry Christmas and ask that we may look into our hearts to help out someone in need, who nobody else is helping out in their unusual plight, that we may ourselves be that vessel of blessing toward our fellow man in their time of need, so that the wrongly accused here, may ultimately be able to be returned to life with a clear name.

Thank you again, may we all pray for Fred Salaff. Merry Christmas & best wishes for a Happy New Year for us All.

Thank you,

Lawrence Connor

Member of the Yahoo Group and a Volunteer