Cleopatra Dead


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Steve Nelson

Jenny Marcos, aka Cleopatra of the Nile

Jenny Marcos, aka Cleopatra of the Nile, passed away on Monday at the hospital. They say it was her heart.

Mutual friend Nancy said, “She was one of the bravest women I know and I’m sharing this link with you so that you can perhaps post it for some of her fan base to potentially help her return home. We are trying to raise money for her family so that she can be laid to rest in her home in Australia… She was a gem and had a heart of gold. She deserves a proper final resting place.”

The link is and is linked in the box to the right. [The page has been taken down at the request of her cousin. More on this as we find out.]

I personally know the family and can assure the money will go to Mr. and Mrs. Marcos so they can bring their daughter back to Perth.

Jenny will be fondly remembered by most everyone who has been in the Industry for the past 10 years. She retired when her Cystic Fibrosis made it impossible for her to make appearances. The fact she had the fight and drive to stay alive this long is an inspiration to me and those around her. She had a daily routine that would have caused most people to give up.

Jenny had to fight to get on a list for lung transplants – her lung capacity was down to 15% – and then she was taken off the list, and was fighting to get back on. She was on oxygen 24/7 and several times a day had to be on machines that helped her breathe.

I would help her from time to time by driving and setting her “office” up. Yes, she continued to work on multiple ventures to the very end. At one conference I took her to she had several cart-loads of stuff that had to be brought to the room including computers, hardware, food, machines for her breathing treatments, and about 20 bottles of oxygen to last the weekend of the conference.

Throughout all her hardships she remained strong and resolute. Jenny would have been 44 on November 6. There is so much more to say, but I can’t right now. I wish I could have been there more for her, and will miss my friend dearly.