Sasha Knox Glory Stories


Source: Glory Stories

By: Company Press Release

Sasha Knox

Glory Stories with Sasha Knox Fri March 9 at 11pm at the Improv Olympic West, 6366 Hollywood Blvd.

Glory Stories is the kinkalicious improvised comedy show inspired by the raw & brutally honest monologues provided by our special guest storytellers… all of whom are Los Angeles based professionals working in the adult entertainment, fetish sex, and kink industry. Join an eclectic blend of iO West’s bravest and sexiest improvisers and see your hottest fantasies come hilariously to life right on the iO West Mainstage!

Special celebrity guest storyteller for Fri March 9 is the talented and sexy Sasha Knox!

Sasha Knox has starred in over 180 pornographic films & been featured on countless websites in her 7 year career. She starred in the reality TV show “My Bare Lady” (watch for free on Hulu), appeared in Hustler & Foxxx Magazine, & is heavily involved in the BDSM community. Besides being an uber-tramp lavishly rolling about the sex industry, Sasha has an intense passion to help the innocent and helpless, takes great pride in her acts of Philanthropy, and has much love for our 4-legged, winged and non human species. Sasha believes that love truly is all you need.

$4 Glory Stories cocktail specials and $3 Sasha Knox shot specials! Tickets are $5 (2 for 1 Admission if you come wearing something kinky). Special kinky giveaway prizes provided by the Stockroom! $5 valet parking with validation.

“Truth is not obliged to stick to possibilities.”

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Coming Soon to Glory Stories:

Fri March 23rd: Charmane Star

Fri April 13th: April Flores

Fri April 27th: Kiki Daire

“This was my first time to ever attend an improv comedy show, and I’m glad that I went. I had a blast! In fact, I don’t believe I’ve laughed so much since the time my little brother went out to play and the hogs ate him! Seriously, the show was a barrel of fun and laughter!”

– Myles Shaffer, Adult Industry News

Starring: Patrick Ian Moore, Dave Park, Zabeth Russell, Neil Ruddy, Sean Cowhig, Canon Wing, Neil Garguilo, Brandon Barrick, Amanda Barnes, Tiffani Ann Mills, Andy Trask