PHE Fundraiser at Paws4Ever


Source: Adam & Eve

By: Company Press Release

Adam & Eve

(HILLSBOROUGH, NC) — PHE, Inc, the parent company for Adam & Eve, has long been known for its charitable giving of money and time in the community. The company has regular fundraisers with its employees for various causes including the American Cancer Society and Muscular Dystrophy Association.

One of its most recent employee fundraisers was a silent auction, where employees donated goods and services to be bid on by other employees. The proceeds of over $1650 were given to Paws4Ever, a local county animal shelter.

”The people at Paws4Ever are working hard to make the world a better place, one life at a time,” says Alice Johnson, PHE coordinator of the fundraiser. ”if the money we raised can help save even one abandoned animal’s life, then I can sleep a little easier at night. I am proud to have had a direct hand in helping!”

Formerly called the APS of Orange County, Paws4Ever has an adoption center as well as training classes and a low-cost spay/ neuter program. They are constantly holding fundraisers for monetary donations, as well as a growing wish list of goods needed that are listed on their website.

For more information on the contributions provided by PHE or Adam & Eve, please contact PHE Public Relations Associate Leslie Limerick at 919.644.8100 x3691 or . For more information on Paws4Ever, go to