Stripper Society Radio Begins Jan 2006



By: Company Press Release

Beginning Sunday nights in January, Stripper Society Radio will take to the airwaves with fun and insightful interviews featuring Strippers and select industry personnel. The radio hour will run every Sunday night at 7 pm, pacific time. The station will be KLAV 1230 AM, with a live webcast, as well as a podcast. Shows will be archived afterward for later listening in case you miss it live.

We’re not going for a Howard Stern type of thing, but something smarter and exclusively about this industry from a Stripper’s point of view. We’ll feature 2 – 3 Strippers per show, with live call ins from listeners. This show will be advertised in all the publications we currently run ads with, as well as here on the Homepage.

If you’re a Stripper and would like to be interviewed in the future, feel free to contact me and we’ll look at scheduling right away. I’m open to your ideas as to what you would like to hear or talk about. Clients/Fans, let us all know what’s on your mind and what you want to know. Strippers, let us know what you have to say.

