Introducing AmaVoyeur XP


Source: AmaVoyeur

By: Company Press Release

AmaVoyeur XP

AmaVoyeur launches AmaWare XP Home Edition Version 1.1 and Professional Edition – The ultimate adult online experience that will bring millions of adult products and services together in one symbolic and safe relationship.

Is this a big deal – oh yes!!!

February 3, 2004 – Today is the official Launch of AmaWareXP Home Edition, version 1.1 that will give the adult consumer exactly what they are looking in the perfect world of online pornography. AmaWareXP joins adult webmasters (in the professional version) content providers, models, dancers, porn stars, club owners and escorts with the home user.

For the first time in the history of the Internet, Daniel Friend, asked users of other online services; such as America Online and Compuserve to help build the features of AmaVoyeur’s AmaWareXP; an adult online service. AmaWareXP has taken a nine year journey to create this incredible product. The adult user will embark on the most exciting experience unlike anything they have ever seen before.

To grow and succeed in any Internet related industry, it’s important to break out new business strategies before your competition. AmaWareXP is patented, proprietary software that has been missing from the adult online community. If tomorrow there would be a pornography ban on the Internet for Adult Websites, AmaWareXP would be unaffected and would continue to provide a safe place for the user to enjoy adult content, since it is a private network.

Once this strategically planned software is installed, the user will have immediate access to everything that takes the home user hours upon hours to search, find, download and save. AmaWareXP is also about the speed and access to a virtual library of adult content. Hundreds, thousands, millions of pictures, videos, adult news articles and adult industry exclusive content that the user cannot find anywhere on the Internet is compressed and searchable in seconds. AmaWareXP is also non-traceable and has a panic button to shutdown the program with one simple click and the user has to enter their password for the software to restart. This feature ensures that confidentiality and integrity of the user is protected and the nuisance pop-ups that often are associated with pornographic websites that often prevent the user to easily shut down are eliminated.

AmaWareXP was designed based on the architecture of America Online’s community. AmaWareXP allows adult members to communicate with other adults via chat, instant messaging, video conferencing, and message boards just to name a few. AmaWareXP encourages members to share personal images. That is why picture sharing chat rooms is an important feature in the software. “My Images” a feature in AmaWare XP, allows members to scan, use their webcam or import pictures from their hard drive to other members. “My Images” never saves these pictures to the users hard drive; so confidentiality and privacy of online activity is protected and non-traceable.

Additional features of AmaWareXP include “Ask Kiki”. Kiki is the virtual host; which assists the user in finding adult content quickly and easily. “Kiki” points the user to exactly what type of material requested and also provides all the help needed to enhance and maximize the potential of adult online activity. AmaWareXP also has support available by telephone or email 24 hours a day, 7 days per week if Kiki is unable to answer questions.

AmaVoyeur has partnered with some of the best in the adult business. This ensures that the user will never have to be concerned with websites that go out of business or misrepresent their product lines.

AmaWareXP will donate $5.00 of every purchase to the National Breast Cancer Foundation for research.

The cost of AmaWareXP is a one time fee to buy for $39.95 (plus shipping and handling) with no monthly fees. Visit to take a tour of the software features and order a copy today. Get ready to cross the fence from frustration to fantasy with an experience unlike anything else.