A Letter From Steve Seidman


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Steve Seidman

Steve Seidman

This letter came to Adult Industry News from Steve “PornoSteve” Seidman. Though only recognized by Industry insiders, (no subject on the email, no headline for the press release, no signature of any kind but the email address), it appears Steve is opening up to the world with a new website, AdultStarNews.com. Read his message unchanged below:

I’M Back !!!!!

Hey guys and gals pornosteve here and I’ve just got cut loose, that’s right you can now go to www.adultstarnews.com and .net to find out all the gossip and check out the video reviews.

Adultstarsnew.com will deal with all the gossip and shit that happens in the adult world through my eyes and the.net will feature reviews of videos that are currently out.

If you have any good news and it can be verified please e-mail me at pornosteve@pyramid.net. Remember I am willing to start shit but I must be able to verify all my stories.

[Please follow the correct links below. -Ed.]