Source: DV8 Incorporate
By: Company Press Release

(BURBANK, CA) — Tonight, Friday, May 10th, Kim Chambers, Scott Styles and Kip will drop by KSEX Radio for a special edition of “The Young & the Curious with Jason Sechrest” from 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm (PDT). Tonight’s episode will feature the top voyeur cam stars from both the straight and gay side of the adult Internet community. As always, the show will include interviews with the three sex stars, the week’s Top Ten List courtesy AVN Insider a round of “screaming orgasms” from the guests, and a briefing of the week in news from both the straight and gay genres of the adult entertainment world.
Kim Chambers and Scott Styles have made a business of being both on and off screen sex partners. The seven web cams placed strategically around their plush pad in Redondo Beach has made their many sites a great success story, as members are able watch them live 24/7. Chambers is taking to KSEX just hours before shooting her installment in the Nick Manning “Fans Have Spoken” series. Chambers will discuss details for the shoot and will enlighten listeners with tales from the set of a Vivid movie she shot recently, directed by gay porn legend Chi Chi LaRue. Styles will join her in talking about the success of their sites and their production company, Team Shag. The straight sex star will also touch on his start in the adult biz as “Advocate Man of the Year,” a label that has ever since given him a massive gay fan following. is arguably the most popular gay XXX voyeur cam on the Internet and most of its success is due in part to Kip himself. With scheduled guest appearances from performers in the gay porn community and a constant influx of Kip’s friends, fuck buddies, and sometimes total strangers, Kip puts his erotic life on display for the world to see. Tonight, we’ll get an exclusive interview with the stud and talk about his brief career as a gay porn star himself.
“The Young & the Curious with Jason Sechrest” is a 100% free, listener-interactive, globally broadcasted Internet radio program, complete with chat room! While the audio portion of radio show is accessible to anyone, there’s also a hot web cam available only to members where they can watch the guests in-studio live as they listen to the show. “The Young & the Curious” is the first show on the adult-themed Internet radio market to cover all angles of the adult entertainment world, encompassing straight, gay, and all the “curiousness” in-between. The show goes live every Friday night at 5:00 pm (PDT) and is the replayed every eight hours throughout the weekend. Exclusive behind-the-scenes video footage and show highlights are available at Sechrest’s web site,
Media interested in attending tonight’s live broadcast, please contact:
Jason Sechrest
DV8 Incorporate
P.O. Box 351544
Los Angeles, CA 90035
Phone/Fax: (818) 786-2428