ASACP June Stats PR


Source: Adult Sites Against Child Pornography (ASACP)

By: Company Press Release

Adult Sites Against Child Pornography (ASACP)

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — ASACP is an organization helping the adult site industry make a difference in the battle against child pornography. ASACP received 5,000 reports in June. Of these, over 240 suspect CP sites were reported to the FBI, NCMEC and European hotlines.

The recent increase of reports ASACP experienced seems to have leveled off for the summer months. Over the past couple of months ASACP has been receiving more reports of suspect child pornography sites by email rather than through the online report form; this actually hampers ASACP’s effectiveness.

“Our new reporting system is designed to perform many functions that allow us to filter, track, investigate, respond and database reports on an ongoing basis. This system has vastly improved our abilities and speed in dealing with reports efficiently and thereby getting the information to authorities as quickly as possible.” said Tim Henning, Site Reviewer.

In addition, ASACP has been receiving requests for copies of previous reports made on suspect child pornography sites. Unfortunately, this is not possible.

“As explained on the FAQ page, all reports are anonymous. So that those who report sites and leave a valid return email address for feedback purposes are protected. We do not disclose information regarding email addresses, reports or on going investigations to the public. If you need such information for a legal case, ASACP would need to be provided with the necessary legal documentation, court order, subpoena, etc”, said Joan Irvine, executive director, ASACP Over 4700 sites that are taking a stand against child pornography proudly display the ASACP logo. If you are interested in learning more about ASACP or helping in the fight against child pornography, please view the ASACP site ( ) or email For further information, contact: Joan Irvine,

Joan Irvine

Executive Director ASACP

Phone: 323 965-1400

