Porn Star Busted


Source: Black Kat Hosting Legal Department

By: Company Press Release

Donna from

(YUKON, CANADA) — That’s what the front page of Yukon’s own Yukon News newspaper read tonight. Page three carried the full story of the arrest of Donna from the website Apparently Donna was about her local town on Canada day doing what she does so well which is flashing all over the Yukon province of Canada. Even has several photos on her site of her flashing a Grizzly bear who took a momentary interest in what she was doing.

According to statements from witnesses who were present Donna is currently being charged under section -s. 174(1)(a) of the Royal Canadian penal code which amounts to being without lawful excuse, nude in a public place. The only thing odder than these charges; are the manner in which said charges were brought to bear on the Yukon’s Only amateur web model.

In each and every witness statement the thing that drew attention was not the fact that Donna was or May have been exposing herself in public, but the boots she was wearing.

In a statement given to the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) by Debbie Janzen and Karen Koprowsky “I (Koprowsky) noticed [Donna] walk past us, from the parking lot to the grassy area across from us. I commented on the way she was dressed, “I didn’t know we had prostitutes in Whitehorse.” She was wearing a small bikini top and a shear white skirt with slits up the side with what looked like next to nothing underneath.”

In two other witness statements it was declared that it was the Boots that Donna was wearing which drew attention to her and what started the whole situation. Another interesting twist to this situation is that Donna at no time was ever actually nude in public. And according to another Canadian law a person can be completely devoid of clothing but if they even have socks on then they can not be considered nude. A law implemented because of the gay pride parades. The law provides blanket coverage to all citizens in Canada.

Donna herself was quoted as saying “I am going to be representing myself and really questioning these so-called witnesses. I hope they are prepared to be put on the stand for all of the public to see and hear. I’m not sure why if the way I dressed offended two women enough that they would have to make a formal complaint. If I offended them so much they could have looked away or moved along them selves. I know Ozzy and I sat there for the longest time just waiting for the few pictures we got in the park. Don’t need unwanted people in your pictures. I also know for a fact that if I tried to take off my bikini bottoms and my skirt in the park with seven inch heels on I would have caused the biggest stir you would have ever seen and everybody would have definitely noticed. But as the pics have it they are only flashing pictures and at no time did we ever intend on offending anyone. I know when I reached down and pulled the panties aside I’m pretty sure somebody would have to be directly in front of my legs to see anything. I know for a fact that the only people in the park were behind me and would have had to come around me in a big circle to see anything. Maybe I was just rearranging my undies as I very rarely wear any undies because of my triple clit piercing. Undies are damn uncomfortable tight and restrictive. Didn’t know I was committing a crime.”

Logan, the webmaster of the site which is owned and operated by commented to reporters today that the case was entirely unfounded and the witnesses had no credibility what so ever. Nor did they have a point of view which could allow them to actually witness any of Donna’s activities.

Several United States based news agencies have taken a close interest in this case as it represents the first time that any such case has been tried in the Yukon. DJ and Nikka of the site and close friends with Logan commented on their Wednesday night broadcast of Jungle Love on had this to say. “It is incredible that now people are being hauled into courts based on purely circumstantial evidence! Hell for all the so-called witnesses knew she (Donna) could have been modeling a bathing suit. After all she was completely dressed at the time! It’s outrageous!”

Pending all of the current media attention on this case and the media attention for the upcoming trial, Logan has set up a webmaster referral program for Donna’s site which can be found at Logan said “Why not take what seems on the surface to be a negative and turn it into positive cash flow for all of us webmasters!”

With Regards DesJardin Foothill BKH Legal Department 866.528.6969 Black Kat Network LLC Managed hosting for as low as $0.50 per GB.