Fred Salaff Gives – Will You?


Source: FJS Corp

By: Company Press Release

Fred Salaff

Dear friends, supporters, and club members,

My trial was held last Friday and the judge says she needs a few days to render her decision. We are confident that she will dismiss the charges based on the fact that there is simply no case. We have suffered enough and run up huge legal bills which I am personally liable for and expect to be paying these for many years to come.

I am urgently asking all you good people to donate whatever you possible can, regardless of the amount through PayPal or Western Union. If anyone donates more than $15.00 I will send a free copy of a one hour DVD I made in Panama before being arrested entitled: Caribbean Booty Call, vol.2 – the Girls of Panama. It’s a risque nude erotic romp around the country with 14 pretty college girl-type models.

To donate please go to my website: and click on the PayPal button. It’s really easy. For those of you who can donate by Western Union please email me at: for info.

Your kindness will be enormously appreciated!



Remember, Freedom isn’t free! We all have to pay for our first amendment rights (even in foreign countries).