Felicia Fox One Show Only


Source: Letters to the Editor

By: Felicia Fox

Felicia Fox

(DAYTON, OH) — Hey, guys! I know this is last minute, but the Flamingo Showclub (my old home club where I worked as a house dancer before I started doing films and touring as a headliner) is having their 5th Anniversary Party this Thursday night.

Since I’m in Dayton this week anyway, they asked me to come in and do one show at midnight to end the party. I told them I’d be happy to.

If you’re interested in saying hi, I’ll be there throughout the evening, hanging out and having fun. Then I go on at midnight for a single feature show. WTUE will be broadcasting live, and it promises to be a good time, so come out and say hello!

Flamingo Showclub

7031 N. Dixie Drive

Dayton, OH

(937)264-9501 for more info or directions.

Love ya!

Felicia Fox