Ice-T Toplines XXX-Rated Ice-T’s Pimpin’ 101


Source: Fatt Entertainment

By: Company Press Release

(CHATSWORTH, CA) — Fatt Entertainment is proud to present the XXX, adult feature film, “Ice-T’s Pimpin’ 101”, a beginner’s guide to the world’s oldest profession through the eyes of the game’s most distinguished and popular player, Ice-T.

International Video Distributors (IVD) will lead up the distribution of this jammin’ adult feature in Video and DVD. Please direct all inquiries to IVD’s sales team at 609-426-1777 ext. 223.

Countless documentaries have celebrated the pimp’s overall lifestyle, but never has a film bothered to detail the various subcategories of his vast kingdom. “Ice-T’s Pimpin’ 101” features the mack himself in vignettes depicting the work of five different professionals: The “track girl”, the carpet girl”, the “stripper”, the “escort” and the “wife”. Among them, business is handled in the street, hotel lobbies, champagne rooms, the Yellow Pages and at the altar respectively. A successful pimp, according to Ice, has the skill to hold down each area.

Without a script, Ice gets up close and personal with the ladies, while providing John Madden-style color-commentary every step of the way – from targeting the marks, to the eye-popping “closing of the deals”. This slamming XXX feature includes a star-studded soundtrack including Ice, Busta Rhymes, Mop, Amil and Brand Nubian. The soundtrack includes brand new, never-before-released songs such as the first single “Swazy” from Ice-T and his group SMG. The infamous ex-pimp goes beyond the permed hair, Cadillacs and loud suits to give viewers a deeper understanding of the rules governing this intricate and ever-changing underworld.

An in-your-face, tongue-in-cheek frolic through the lives of five different “ladies of the night”, “Ice-T’s Pimpin’ 101” is saving you a seat right next to the player himself at the head of the class.

“Ice-T’s Pimpin’ 101” DVD and home video will be available through IVD, the world’s largest and most respected adult video and DVD distributor, in hardcore, softcore and small box/sell-thru formats January 28, 2003.