Karaoke XXX Xmas Party


Source: Karaoke XXX PR

By: Company Press Release

Sammie Spades

Sammie Spades hosting Karaoke XXX Xmas Party December 16 at 10pm

(LAS VEGAS, NV) — Christmas Sweater Event – Wear your ugliest Christmas sweater and you could win our “Worst Christmas Sweater” contest. You will win a basket of goodies which is great for re-gifting!

Also, we are giving back this year to Sunrise Hospital Children’s Wing. Bring an unwrapped toy to donate for our Toy Drop. Smokin’ Joe (karaoke DJ guy) volunteers for the hospital and will be our “Santa’s Little Helper”. Let’s make the nice list this year because we have the naughty already accomplished for 2013.

*Rebecca Love*


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