Lock, Cock and 2 Smoking Bimbos has Dedicated Website


Source: Sin City Entertainment

By: Company Press Release

(LOS ANGELES, CA) — Sin City Entertainment, in continuing with their commitment to promote major releases via the Internet, has dedicated a website to the highly successful, Lock Cock and 2 Smoking Bimbos video.

The video follows the exploits of the Sin Twins who play a pair of sexually charged con artists who get involved with an underworld crime syndicate. In following with the "wiseguy" theme, the website is replete with gunshot visuals and sound effects. In addition, the website offers a Trailer, background information, Photo Galleries, Profiles of the Cast and Director (Bud Lee) and a preview of the sequel – Lock, Cock & 2 Smoking Bimbos, Part 2.

The site will also afford the viewer an opportunity to order the movie via a Video on Demand Feature. A Sin City spokesperson, explained the company’s commitment to the dedicated website marketing campaign, "Sin City continues to utilize mainstream marketing techniques within the Adult industry. For years mainstream studios have dedicated websites for blockbuster movies – we are taking those same successful promotional tactics and applying them to the Adult arena."

The Lock, Cock & 2 Smoking Bimbos website can be accessed via SmokingBimbos.com [linked in the box to the right]. Sin City has committed to a strong web presence and promises to launch additional websites that will coincide with the release of their major videos and films over the next Calendar year.