ULM Introduces Intimacy Machine for Couples


Source: ULM Inc.

By: Company Press Release

The Ultimate Love Machine

(URBANA, IL) — An Illinois company is marketing a machine designed to put the fun back into sex. The machine, known as the Ultimate Love Machine, consists of a reciprocating platform mounted on a fixed base. A variable speed gear motor, drives the reciprocating motion, allowing a couple to enjoy intimacy while reducing the physical demands of the activity.

Those who have tested the machine agree that this is an unusual and unique invention. Jim Johnstone, the President of ULM Inc. And designer of the Ultimate Love Machine, explained that this is a product, whose time has come. “With so many pharmaceutical options available to deal with sexual problems, Americans are making the return to intimacy, a real priority,” Johnstone said.

This product is not like those battery powered sex toys that might come to mind. Instead, this is an industrial strength machine engineered for years of trouble free operation. It’s also designed with couples in mind. The machine has a lot of flexibility built into it. The machine can be “ridden” from the lying, kneeling, or sitting positions. In addition to having a variable speed feature, the height, angle of tilt, and the position of the padded shoulder restraints, are all adjustable to accommodate individuals of varying statures, in various positions. The mechanics of having sex on the Ultimate Love Machine is similar to having sex in an unassisted fashion. Once “coupling” has occurred, the machine can be turned on and the entire body of the person on the machine is moved back and forth in a reciprocating motion. The physically demanding aspect of the activity (i.e. The thrusting) is accomplished by the machine. “This machine is to sex, what power steering is to driving,” Johnstone said.

If you think about the evolution sex machines, the focus has always been on penetration and suction devices that skated on the seedy side of the sex industry. For the most part, those devices are designed to replace a partner, not to enhance the experience with a partner. The development of a main stream product that takes some of the work out of sex, brings an element of excitement and anticipation to the experience, not only for healthy adults but, also for those who may be physically challenged. “This machine is like a carnival ride for the bedroom,” Johnstone said.

The patent pending design is being marketed through the ULM web site (www.UltimateLoveMachine.com). The suggested retail price is $2599.00, not including options.

About ULM Inc.: ULM is a company that was founded, just last year, to produce and market the Ultimate Love Machine. The President, Jim Johnstone conceived and designed the Ultimate Love Machine, and built the first prototype in his garage. “This was one of those truly unique ideas that just seemed like it was worth pursuing. I know that this is a machine that can help a lot of people.” Johnstone said.


Jim Johnstone

President ULM Inc.

Phone: 217 377-2750

Fax: 217 328-7974

On the Web: UltimateLoveMachine.com