CBS’s Big Brother 3 – 2 Will Get Nasty!


Source: JizzBiz.TV

By: PornoDave

Tonya & Chiara on the set of Big Brother 3 getting naked!!!

Well this is a scoop! My sources have told me that this year’s two hotties, Tonya, the huge breasted mom from Las Vegas, and Chiara, that slutty acting exhibitionist, from CBS’s Big Brother 3 television series are going to appear together nude and reenact some of their tawdry going-ons in the January issue of Playboy!

That’s right all you pre-pubescent boys. Drop that Maxim Magazine and pick up Playboy to spank your monkey!

Now, it isn’t anything new that girls from CBS TV shows end up in Playboy, but this has been confirmed with Chiara being overheard at the wrap party talking about the issue. And No One Else has Talked About it! Take that Howard Stern!

Now I wonder if Roddy stills wants to dip his stick in her.

“The Jizz Biz…always bringing the mainstream back into porn and the gutter where it belongs!”

By PornoDave from JizzBiz.TV

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