Vigel and Nicole Moore Were the Rave


Source: Banan’s World PR

By: Company Press Release

Nicole Moore

(GENEVA, SWITZERLAND) — The long awaited Nicole Moore Show that is sponsored by Vigel and TheCondor/Canon Entertainment Group was slated to premier on June 26th. Instead they had a pre-empted premiere and party last night in Geneva Switzerland. The Invitations went out less than one week ago to a selected group of merchandisers and buyers from Barcelona, Paris, Belgium, Tel Aviv and other parts of Europe.

A crew of busy engineers worked long through many nights to make ready for this momentous occasion. The construction of the newly designed cooperate headquarters for Turner – Davis – Banan – King had not even begun when notification came from sixty nine year old CEO Everett King of King Global Media to make the thing happen now! The guests were treated to a banquet of food and Champaign before the show.

The Liberty Network, Inc. In partnership with King Global Media was responsible for putting a two-minute commercial clip on the Internet, the commercial add was Nicole Moore engaged in solo masturbation using Vigel. This commercial is still free and open to the world.

This act alone brought a lot of reaction and scrambling from within the US adult industry, which have always been cautious and walked a fine line. Some were in complete and utter shock when WPA-Adult News announced that this had occurred. The Europeans on the other hand were rejoicing.

What better combination are there then Nicole Moore and Vigel! The Europeans just adore her and respect her. Born in Israel and raised in Paris when Nicole was seventeen she walked the runways and worked for some of finest courtier house in Europe. Last year when she was publicizing "Housepainting in the Buff", she amazed Howard Stern and his staff when in studio upon request, she took it all off.

The show opened with Nicole in the distance walking through beautiful gardens, picking at flower, smelling them, putting them close to her breasts and entering through the Villa Doors. When she entered into this huge living room the crowd started to applaud as though she was really in the room. Nicole sat in a chair and spoke eloquently telling everyone why she loves Vigel. She asked the viewing audience in a very seductive way if they desired to see her demonstrate the product. Since this show was on tape the producers were banking on yes. Ms Moore removed her clothes and before too long was engaged in clitoral stimulation and full out solo masturbation. The room filled with merchandisers, wholesalers, buyers and friends went wild.

All the guests and the privileged Internet viewers were also given the opportunity to talk and chat with Nicole all through the thirty minute show. Ms Moore who unfortunately was home ill in the United States and not able to attend was overwhelmed by it all. At the end of the show with her alluring Demi Moore type of voice coming from the speakers, to the applauds of many she thanked everyone for coming and hoped they all had a wonderful night and asked them all to buy Vigel.

Steve Banan, myself included and several others were in Los Angeles monitoring the show from beginning to the end. After Steve finished speaking with Mr. King, Steve told me that they all believe we got a hit and plans to tape 11 more shows just as fast as they can get them written.

CEO Everette King and his wife showed up half way into the performance and was delighted on the way things were turning out. Some very special guests and friends were invited to an after hours party at his very exclusive Chateau in Chamanique.