Ex Duran Duran Warren Cuccurullo’s Adult Career


Source: www.musicandsex.tv

By: Company Press Release

Ex Duran Duran member Warren Cuccurullo took a further step in his adult entertainment career by launching a video download area for non-members on his official site, www.musicandsex.tv, today.

The guitarist, who appeared naked and fully erect in G-Magazine earlier this year has already enjoyed great success in his pornographic ventures since the member area of his website launched in September. The download area now offers visitors a chance to sample some of the goodies that members have been receiving over the past six weeks. It operates on a pay-per-package download basis.

The selection is ideal for those who are thinking of joining but want to try a sample beforehand. The download packages have been designed to cater for all tastes and range from pure music to full blown adult entertainment.

The second Come Clean Q&A is just one of the videos available in the packages. This particular installment is hosted by Tiziana Ricci in both Italian and English.

Warren Cuccurullo’s penis replica product is due for launch in early 2002. The Rock Rod will be manufactured and marketed by California Exotic Novelties.