Cleopatra Roast in Hollywood


Source: Cleopatra of the Nile

By: Company Press Release

Cleopatra of the Nile

(HOLLYWOOD, CA) — At the House of Cleopatra, Nov 6TH 2007, there will be a Hollywood Celebrity Roast Honouring “Cleopatra of the Nile”. This event is the first official celebration in honour of Cleopatra’s birthday held every year on “Nile Day” Nov 6TH.

The event held this year will stand as the “House of Success” spanning a 10 year history of Cleopatra’s success in the entertainment industry, from the beginning when Cleopatra of the Nile was just an idea to the now international Icon as she is known today.

Hosts Who will be Roasting Cleopatra for the First Time:

Adult Entertainment Broadcast Network “Wayne ‘Wankus’ Lewis”, James Bartholet: Lanitelife, Bettie Rage:, Tony Batman of and A! Entertainment.

More Guests To Come… These MC/Hosts have known Cleopatra for 10 years collectively and will have some very juicy, saucy, naughty, embarrassing, humiliating and fabulous things to say. Cleopatra may even roast herself!

The media coverage for this first event is vast. We have channel 26 airing the entire show as a special tribute. NorCal Films will be there to provide coverage of the event. Channel 62 is now considering the option of covering this event. They cover Spanish television around the US. EAC Magazine may be there to give you full coverage. LA Opinion may be there to also cover this event. One of the biggest mainstream internet television networks Eworld may be there also to cover the show.

Connected to Eworld is Rob Roa of the Radder Group who is considering covering the event also. Xbiz and Xfanz will be there to cover the event and the stars who will walk the red carpet. AVN is currently optioning to cover this event as well.

We have Glamour Girl Magazine covering this event and publishing Cleopatra of the Nile for Feb 2008 centerfold model. We also have Stiletto Magazine considering full coverage plus pictures on this event. KSEX will also be airing some of the show through Tony Batman Primetime Uncensored will also be there to cover this event. LA Nite Life will also be there to cover this event. Entertainment News LA is optioning to cover this event. Gene Ross of, Steve Nelson of, Terri Reddor of and Luke Ford of will all be covering this event. “The Newsrack” by Steve Nelson for Gent Magazine will also write a brief review on this event.

Daily may be there to cover the event. A! Entertainment will be there to cover the event. Intimate Access will be airing a special segment about this event. will be there to cover the event also.

We are keeping day to day records on the media coverage so that we may update you, the sponsor, on the various media portals that are at your discretion since you are part of this elegant, exclusive event. All media are optioned to cover the event and as we are given guarantees, we will then inform you of these guarantees.

This event is exclusive only to invited guests and Industry as well as media, the representatives of all media whom will be there to photograph, publicize, interview and film this entire event. Not only will you have full media coverage at the event but after the event as the footage is published.

The room will also be filled with the representatives of all the sponsors and other business associates invited personally by Cleopatra to this elite event. This will also give you a chance to mingle and make contacts after the night draws to a close where there will be an opportunity to enjoy the fine ambience of the establishment chosen, held at:

Life On Wilshire 6311 Wilshire Blvd, Beverly Hills CA 90048

The event starts at 7.30pm to 9pm Red Carpet Roast from 9pm to 11pm and After Party: 11pm till late.

All Industry and Media need to get themselves on a guestlist or they will not be able to be given seating as the seating is limited. Please email:

Media Need To Confirm by Email as you will be given a press pass, if you do not have a press pass, you will not be allowed to cover the event. Please help us make this event run smoothly and email your names to guarantee entry. Please help me by mentioning the sponsors as well as the media as they have really extended themselves to help me and I am so truly grateful to see so many people step forward to do this much for me. It is a sincere honour.

We apologise but this event is not open to the fans as we have limited seating however 20 $100 tickets are available to the fans which are VIP tickets and they get drinks and food with that also. (email for the details Everyone is subject to a 2 drink minimum. The red carpet starts at 7.30pm and the show starts at 9pm. There is a special interview section for on camera interviews.

Come and walk the red carpet and be part of such an elite and exclusive event. Nov 6th 2007. Red Carpet at 7.30pm Roast 9pm After party until late.

Please be punctual as the show starts promptly at 9pm.

We would like to take this time to thank the sponsors (in no specific order): David Sutton of VCX Ltd, Glen of MeanWorld, Nick Manning of Boneyard Pictures Inc, Nick Manning and team at LA Exotique, Donny Long of Donny Long Productions, Seymour Satin of Sardo’s Bar, Rebecca Gray of Rebecca’s Lingerie, Mike Gray of Life on Wilshire, Jeff Mullen of All Media Play, Roy Romeo of ZDG Media, Bettie Rage, Kathy Nemo, Donnie Sewell,, Nancy Monroe Designs, Joel Lawrence of Gold Star Modeling, Mitchell Freeman, David Rucker, Dr. Larry Rubin and Santos De Los Angeles.