Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. Here we go again with only one feature entertainer to write about; however, she was well worth the trip. So, are the readers ready to learn the details? Great! Then let’s get started.
Nova Baby
Friday evening, August 23, 2024, it was a drive down to San Diego, of course, to finally meet Nova Baby and to observe both of her shows of the night. I am so glad I made the trip. Nova Baby is such a sweetheart!

For her first performance of the night, Nova Baby did her Velma from Scooby Doo Show, and her costume was a glamorized version of Velma’s clothing. She wore a long-sleeved orange top and a red super short mini skirt. Under her top, she wore a red and orange bra. And beneath her skirt, she wore a pair of red and orange G–string-like thong panties. Next, Nova Baby wore a pair of orange leggings that went from her ankles up to just about her knees. Nova Baby’s footwear for this performance was a pair of red high-topped shoes with stiletto heels.
In the way of props, Nova Baby had a blow-up Scooby Doo and a Scooby Doo Snacks box. The box turned out to be full of confetti which Nova Baby threw into the air fairly early in the show.
The waitress that assisted Nova Baby during this show was briefly an extra in the show and was wearing a silver costume.
During one portion of this show, Nova Baby spun around the pole while hanging from a somewhat long black strap. At another point in the show, Nova Baby danced with two red and orange fans. (Actually, the fans were red and had orange material hanging from them.) To finish this show, Nova Baby performed with two torches. She also placed handfuls of some type of flammable foam on various parts of her body and set it on fire.
During this show, Nova Baby danced to, “Scooby Doo (Scooby-Doo Theme Song),” by Ohio Express, “What’s New Scooby Doo?,” by Jonathan Young featuring Caleb Hyles, “Scoby Snacks (Stephen Lironi Master Mix),” by Fun Loving Criminals, “She’s A Genius,” by Jet, and, “Mystery Machine.” (Shazam did not recognize, “Mystery Machine.” Nova Baby told me what the song had been after this performance had ended; however, she didn’t remember who performed the song. [I could only find one version of, “Mystery Machine,” on Youtube, and it was performed by somebody named Pierre Bourne. I have no way of knowing whether that was the correct number or not]])
For her final performance of the night, Nova Baby did her Star Lord Guardians of the Galaxy Show. For this show, she wore a black full head mask and a burgundy-colored overcoat. beneath her overcoat, she wore somewhat of a midriff T-shirt and a pair of black pants. Under her T-shirt, Nova Baby wore a black bra, and beneath her pants, she wore a pair of black G-string-like thong panties with multiple straps. Both her bra and her panties were decorated with a good amount of glitter. (Actually, I think it might have been tiny rhinestones.) Her footwear for this performance was a pair of white sneakers.
At one point in this performance, Nova Baby again spun around the pole while hanging from a black strap that was attached to the top of the pole. (It is really nice to be young and strong. Had I tried to do that even when I was Nova Baby’s age, I would have no doubt lost my grip and killed myself!) During this time on the stage, Nova Baby also fired a confetti pistol into the air. Later, she performed with two burning torches and some more of her flammable foam. She ended this performance with a bath show. In the way of a prop, she had a robotic doll placed near one edge of the stage.
Nova Baby performed this show to, “Hooked On A Feeling,” by Blue Swede, “Don’t Stop Me Now,” by Queen, “Come and Get Your Love,” by Redbone, “Cherry Bomb,” by The Runaways, and, “Centuries (Gazzo Remix),” by Fall Out Boy.
Nova Baby, Again!
Saturday night, August 24, 2024, I returned to San Diego’s Exposé Gentlemen’s Club to spend a bit more time with Nova Baby and to observe both of her shows of the evening.

For her first performance of the evening, Nova Baby did her Red Riding Hood Show. She came onto the stage carrying a good-sized straw basket. Nova Baby wore a long red cape with a hood. She also wore a pair of large white fluffy armbands. Next, she wore a rea bra and a black corset. With the bra and corset, Nova Baby wore a red mini skirt that was trimmed with white lace around the bottom hem. Beneath her mini skirt, she wore a red crinoline petticoat with many layers. Under the petticoat, Nova Baby wore a pair of red G=string-like thong panties. Nova Baby’s footwear for this show was a pair of high-topped red shoes with stiletto heels.
Nova Baby ended this show by performing with two flaming torches and setting fire to handfuls of a flammable foam that she placed onto various parts of her body.
This show was done to, “Red Riding Hood,” by Amber Lint, “Little Red Riding Hood,” By Bowling For Soup, “Redrum,” by Sorana & David Guetta, and, “Werewolf,” by Motionless In White.

For her final performance of her current booking at Exposé, Nova Baby did her Grim Reaper Show. At the start of this show, she came onto the stage carrying a black reaper scythe and wearing an almost floor-length black cape with a hood. (The cape was red on the inside.) Under her cape, she wore a black bikini style midriff top for lack of a better description. She next wore a black bra with rhinestones on the breast cups and a pair of black thong panties. Beneath her thong panties, Nova Baby wore a black G-string that was decorated with rhinestones. Nova Baby’s footwear for this performance was a pair of high-topped black shoes that were covered with silver glitter.
At one point in this show, Nova Baby once again spun around the pole while hanging from a black strap that was attached to the top of the pole. At another point, she performed with two small torches that sat in the palms of her hands. She later danced with two larger torches and sat fire to handfuls of flammable foam that she placed onto various parts of her body once again. (Nova Baby would often extinguish at least one of her torches by placing it into her mouth.)
Nova Baby performed this show to, “Dead Walk,” by RedHook, and, “The Fear,” by The Score. Those were the only two numbers that Shazam was able to recognize, and it was too late in the night to be able to ask Nova Baby about the remainder of her songs. The club was about to close for the night, I needed to hit the road home while I was still awake enough to drive, and Nova Baby had to pack up, go to her motel, and get ready to fly to Dallas, Texas, to attend the 2024 Exotic Dancer Gentlemen’s Club Expo which would be starting Sunday afternoon.
In addition to being quite pretty, Nova Baby is a very sweet and smart young woman. She is also very well spoken and a lot of fun to converse with, and she very much enjoys meeting and speaking with her fans.
The beautiful Nova Baby has brown hair and hazel eyes. She is five feet two inches tall, weighs one hundred twenty-eight pounds, and her measurements are 32B-28-33.
Given Nova Baby’s good looks, her great personality, and her vast array of talents on stage, it is highly recommended that anybody who might get an opportunity to see her perform and to meet her in person should take full advantage of said opportunity. It will be an enjoyable experience that they will not soon forget!
While I have had no luck in finding websites that are dedicated to Nova Baby, four good photos of her can be found on her profile on alistfeatures.com in the Entertainers Showgirls category. And, at the bottom of her profile, there is a list of social media sites that she can allegedly be found on.
Okay folks, that will be a wrap for now. Why don’t we all meet back here the next time and continue our discussions of fun events and beautiful women? Until then, everybody please take care, stay safe, have a great week, and live life as if there were not tomorrow!
Bonsoir et au revoir,
Myles Shaffer