Kora Peters Warns of European Drama with Mike Hammer

Cereza, Kora Peters, Mike Hammer in Eindhoven, Netherlands before XBIZ Berlin

Kora Peters sent us the following warning:

I had considered Mike Hammer and Nikki Kat friends for years. They were not close friends of mine but they were close with close friends of mine. I had partied with them on many occasions at many a venue and never had any issues with them.

The nightmare with them began via social media and texts. I had mentioned wanting to attend our various conventions & award shows such as XBIZ Berlin, Webmaster Access, TES, YNOT, etc. Mike said he wanted to go but he hadn’t heard of any of them but XBIZ Berlin. I sent him the information and he suggested I go stay with him and we go together with Cereza Rodriguez who was flying in from Tijuana, Mexico.

I asked about Nikki and he said she just left cuz you can only stay so long on a tourist visa and she had to wait to go back to the EU but Cereza Rodriguez would be joining us. We all registered for the conventions online, I booked my ticket, and he booked hotel rooms and I sent him my share of the money for everything.

When I arrived everything was great and we went to get Cereza from the airport because she had to fly in via Brussels for some reason. Cereza seemed nice enough and we all had fun together, went out for food and drinks, laughed and danced together. Then we all went to XBIZ Berlin and we checked in to our hotel. It was a nice hotel and everyone seemed excited. Mike kept mentioning the Sexpo in Spain and wanting me and Cereza to work there with him. I said no repeatedly because I wanted to go back to the USA after WMA in Amsterdam.

I had a photoshoot with a very professional photographer so I packed my carry-on bag, got my makeup on (with help from Heidi Van Horny thank goodness), and went to my photoshoot. The shoot went well and I was impressed with the professionalism of the photographer, Buster Brown. So I left the venue and headed back to my hotel whereupon my heart sunk when I opened the door to my EMPTY room. MIke and Cereza were gone along with all my belongings including my meds, laptop, makeup, clothes, etc.

Mike Hammer ghosted me and I went to go back to XBIZ but I was stopped by the hotel staff and I was informed that I would have to pay the bill because the charges were reversed. I had already paid my share to Mike but I had no choice but to use my emergency credit card to pay for the room. So I left and walked back to XBIZ. Almost as soon as I walked in and I was about to have a panic attack Brad Mitchel called me over and asked me if I was okay because I looked like I needed a drink. I told Brad what happened and he got me a shot of tequila and a cup of coffee cuz that’s what I like. I said I didn’t know what to do and he told me I was gonna fall down and finish the tour because I had already planned to and he would make sure that Mike wasn’t on his shuttle Prague. So that’s what I did. I contacted TES and they assured me that I would be safe and they have security. I just love TES and I can’t wait to go back again. TES is where James Deen and I finally spoke again, cleared things up, and resuscitated our friendship. James was a victim too but that’s another story.

I was very grateful to have several companies help me out in many ways including giving me swag to wear, makeup, food, etc. I even had Brad’s bring me some of his competitor’s swag. I was very impressive by his kind actions and his ‘Good Mojo’. Some of the companies that helped me were my affiliates and others I hadn’t even heard of, but they stepped up for me and I know who they are now and I am grateful to them. I was pleasantly surprised at how people stepped up for me.

I finished the business trip I had planned and after Webmaster Access in Amsterdam I was like umm now what? I wasn’t leaving without all my personal belongings so I tried asking Mike again and he said if I worked with him at the Sexpo in Spain he would let me have my things when I got there. I went to Eindhoven where he was living and I went to the local police, but they wouldn’t help me because I am an American. I was beyond frustrated and I called a friend to help me because he speaks Dutch.

Together we went into 3 police stations and stopped 5 cops randomly and asked for help but as soon as they heard I was American they literally said “we cannot help because he lives here and she does not”. My friend and I were both in disbelief over the racism and lack of help by the police. I suggested we go to the one coffee shop nearby that I know takes Visa card, Coffeeshop Pink so I can have a cappuccino and a doobie I roll myself without the tobacco in it.

Halfway through my doobie and starting my second cappuccino it dawned on me that he is American too. I immediately contacted my attorney, forgetting all about the time difference, and woke him up to ask for help and he was able to get Mike to give me my things so I could leave and go back to America. I noticed several different colored pieces of luggage in the closet that he kept locked in his place where my bag was. I posted about my experience on social media and other women came forward to me and I sent them directly to my attorney (Nikki Kat laughed and wasn’t very nice so I blocked her) and their stories were very similar to mine.

I asked my attorney to send a letter to all the various conventions and award shows about Mike,what happened to me and others and that he is a danger to female performers. My attorney sent out letters, but yet Mike Hammer and Nikki Kat are still attending these expos. The one I know he isn’t attending his TES because they stood firm on keeping performers safe.

It took me this long to accept that he tried to traffick me (and others). Forcing anyone to do anything sexually against their will is not okay nor is it legal. I remember Mike bragged about being “the number one importer of American & Mexican women into the Netherlands” (Mexican women from Tijuana with the help of Nikki Kat). I thought he was joking but clearly the joke was on me. I’m writing this not to bash anyone but to warn other women to avoid these people for your own safety! If putting myself through the hell of reliving the experience to write this article helps keep even one woman from going through the hell I did then it’s worth it.