Bonjour mon amis! Comment ca va? Myles Shaffer here. This article will be about San Diego’s Exposé Gentlemen’s Club’s annual Elite Championship 2024. So, why don’t we move on along and find out who the participants were and who the winner was? I do agree, so let us get started.
Now for starters, I must admit that this was another year that I didn’t feel that I could afford the cost of the gasoline that I would have burned had I driven down to San Diego and back home three nights in a row. And, I had no desire to pay the high cost of a motel room in that area plus the cost of feeding myself in restaurants for three nights. But, have no fear. Thanks to Dino Palmiotto, the owner of the Exposé Gentlemen’s Club, I know which of the ladies performed during the first two nights. (I did make the drive down to Exposé to observe the contestants’ performances on Saturday night.)

The ladies who performed on Thursday night, February 22, 2024, were Phoenix Phires, Ms. Parker, and Rubberdoll in that order.

On Friday night, February 23, 2024, the performers, in the order of their performances, were Angel Beau, Pixie Raye, and Michelle Lynn.

The co-hosts of this year’s competition were once again, Kenna James and Exposé’s manager, DJ, and jack of all trades Joe.
Now here is the lineup for the finale on the night of, Saturday, February 24, 2024: Ms. Parker started the evening off by doing her School Teacher Show with the help of Nia Nebula and, I think, a young woman whom I didn’t know.

Up next was Michelle Lynn doing a show that may have been based on the, “Bay Watch,” TV show with some help from the aforementioned woman I didn’t know, and Nia Nebula dressed as a shark.
Rubberdoll next took the stage and did a show that I can’t think of a name for, and I never got a chance to ask Rubberdoll about it. What I can say is that Rubberdoll’s costume was very elaborate and greatly detailed!

Phoenix Phires was then the fourth lady to take her turn on the stage with her Beetlejuice show. The name of the show should tell the readers all they need to know about what Phoenix’s costume looked like.
Angel Beau was the fifth to go onto the stage to perform with some assistance from Nia Nebula. (For a lady who wasn’t a competitor, Nia was really busy on this night. [I think Nia may have been busier than the contestants!]) I have no idea what to call Angel’s show. [How about “Sex-Toy Story?” -Ed.] What I can say is that Angel wore an altered version of a helmet such as what a stunt pilot might wear, and the top of her costume had a pair of airplane-like wings.

Pixie Raye was the sixth and last to take the stage for her performance. Her costume for the show was a very pretty and elaborate version of a marching band member’s uniform. With her costume, Pixie carried a pair of more or less clear drumsticks, and from a strap around her neck hung what appeared to be a snare drum.
So, the beautiful woman who won Miss Exposé 2024 is none other than Rubberdoll.

All of the ladies looked beautiful in their great looking costumes!
Some of the people in attendance on this Saturday night were Ella Hotwheels, Jeremy Sweigert doing some photography, Nia Nebula, photographer Ricky Rich, the owner of Fresno, California’s Golddiggers Gentlemen’s Club Jim Light and his fiancé, Dave Michaels of A List Features, Lexi Lamour representing Exotic Dancer Publications, Zuma, A.K.A. The Puerto Rican Princess, and Hugh Hefner impersonator LA Hef.
I’m sorry that I can’t report on the music each of the six ladies performed to during their shows. I was so busy writing notes and shooting photographs, I didn’t have time to Shazam the music.
This was a really fun event, and I’m certain that everybody who attended had a great evening!
I am personally looking forward to the 2025 competition, and if any of the readers might be in the San Diego area at the right time, I do recommend that they do their best to attend next year’s competition!
If anybody would like to check out the ladies who competed in this year’s Elite Championship, they can go to allmylinks.com/msparker She can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Michelle Lynn can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Rubberdoll can be seen at rubber-doll.com She can also be seen on Facebook and Instagram. Phoenix Phires can be found at Facebook and Instagram. Angel Beau can be seen at angelbeau.com, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Pixie Raye can be located at Instagram and YouTube.
And that will be a wrap for now good people. Let us all meet back here the next time to continue the discussion of beautiful women and fun happenings. Until then, everybody please take care, stay safe, have a great week, and live life as if there were no tomorrow!
Bonsoir et au revoir,
Myles Shaffer