2024 AltStar Awards Pre-Nominations Open


For Immediate Release: Cyberspace 

AltPorn.net is very happy to announce that, honoring excellence in alternative erotica, we are now taking nominations suggestions for our Best of 2023 AltStar Awards, aka the AltPorn Awards, presented by Bad Dragon

Mark your calendars for June 9 because we are going to be returning again for our fabulous annual star-studded blowout celebration in Las Vegas, Nevada!! The AltStar Expo is June 7 to 8 and the AltStar Awards are June 9. (You can make hotel reservations now, for rooms and suites, checking in June 7 and checking out June 10 to attend the whole event.)

It feels amazing that AltPorn.net has been covering all things AltPorn for over two decades now and we always enjoy the time of year when we can expand on the recognition and appreciation that all of our creative alternative erotica friends and crushes deserve. As we do every year, we’re taking nominations for all the categories from the fans, models, and producers, as well as our own editorial board of judges.

So, if you know of any work produced in 2023 that really deserves attention for being outstanding, just hit up our nominations form. Categories are listed there. We introduced some new ones a couple years ago, especially for indie-produced clips and premium social media. If, as the world changes, and alt drives adult and adult drives the future, you can think of categories we should add, please suggest them! If you only want to nominate in one category, that is fine. If you want to share your opinion on all of them, that works too. Our panel of judges will gather the qualified suggestions in each category. You can just put a name in and press Continue, but it is helpful if you let us know why you suggested your noms. You are welcome to ask your friends and fans and collaborators to nominate you, but it is a plus if they mention why you are awesome and links to the work always help too. Shares on Twitter of who you nominated will also be considered.

For potential nominees, it is helpful if you can make sure we see your work and you are warmly welcome to contact us to send us links to see videos, photography, performance recordings, PDF downloads etc. or to request our mailing address to send over toys and physical media.

Deadline for prenoms is 11:59PM midnight CST, April 8. Remember, the prenominations have to be for work that was released in 2023. You can peek at past years’ coverage and nominees for ideas.