Kiki D’Aire to Sign At 2024 AVN Expo


Tuesday, January 16th, 2024

Las Vegas, NV


Come on, you know who Kiki D’Aire is! A veteran talent of over fifteen years in the world of adult films, entertainment, and lifestyle. She has seen the world of XXX change and evolve in all her years in the business in so many ways. She is one of the true unsung starlets in the world of adult films. Now, in 2024, she is announcing that she is taking part in her most invested signing ever at the AVN Expo and Awards Show. Kiki D’Aire would like to announce that she is set to sign at multiple locations throughout the four-day event which tops off with the 2024 AVN Awards on January 27th, 2024. Make sure that you get your tickets ready, as the expo is set to begin on Wednesday, January 24th, at 11 AM on the dot. Kiki D’Aire hopes that you will all be there to help her celebrate another year in the sun with the hottest trade show on the planet. 

“I have taken part in this event as a spectator, as an award nominee, and of course, as one of the starlets who is at the booths welcoming the fans to the annual event and thanking them for their continued support. This year has had so much change within it. There have been so many new things that I have attempted to build within my brand, and 2024 is going to be the year that everyone sees what it is that has culminated from all these years that I have spent learning, growing, and discovering in this business. I am not done performing. I am not done creating. In that department, I am just getting started. This is going to be one of the most epic events at Resorts World. I hope that everyone comes out to the Nexxxt Level booth and says hello to me, and all of my fellow starlets and performers.”Kiki D’Aire

Kiki D’Aire will be signing at two booths during AVN week. So, make sure that you take note. On Wednesday, January 24th, Kiki will be signing at the Nexxxt Level booth. The agency that she has paired with for all of 2023. For the remaining two days, you can catch Kiki D’Aire at the Galaxy Publicity booth on the 25th and 26th of January. So, make sure that you find some time in your week to find Kiki D’Aire. She will be looking for you. So, make sure that you are dressed to impress! Kiki will be waiting for you.  

You can purchase tickets to this year’s expo by following this link here:

“Cum” enjoy the sexiest trade show on planet Earth at Resorts World Las Vegas with one of the greatest porn stars in the history of XXX. 

Make sure to follow Kiki On X, Formerly Known as Twitter: 

@kiki_daire @nexxxtlevel @galaxypub

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