Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Phoenix, AZ
It is turkey time in AZ.. I hope fans are ready for some stuffing! I’m serving up a platter that contains a lot of “breast meat” … if you get my drift. Complete with all the XXX trimmings. Evie makes another AZ Pornstar appearance in Evie’s Alluring Fetish Adventure. A production that is surely going to leave a wonderful taste in your mouth. I know that it did with Sexy Evie! This is the month when putting something massive in between your lips is welcomed and encouraged. Is it not? I don’t think fetish in most circles is as rare as people think. I believe it to be more of a delicacy. When it comes to the AZ Pornstar video cabinet, I want the AZP site fans to know that their fetish will be celebrated and welcomed. This latest production, I made it just for them!
“I like to try and give my fans variety and, Sexy Evie was the woman I had to have for this kind of production. Going down so many different “avenues” within a video takes time, care, and passion. That is what made this the delectable bit of content, the one piece of work I knew I had to release when thumbing through the many choices I could give my loyal fans on Thanksgiving week. Bon appetit.” – AZ Pornstar
Evie’s Alluring Fetish Adventure is available now to subscribing fans if you go directly to: www.azpornstar.com/join
His content is called some of the most enjoyable by his female co-stars. If that does not sell you on a following, I do not know what will! November 24th launches this spectacular video dish on the AZ Pornstar site: www.azpornstar.com/
While you are there, be sure to enjoy some of his delicious “side dishes.” It is the season to stuff yourself silly and edulge. What better place than to do so that with AZ Pornstar
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