A hearing is scheduled Monday in Queens Criminal Court for rapper Cardi B, who pleaded not guilty to charges of reckless endangerment and assault. Prosecutors say the 27-year-old threw a bottle at the bartenders at Angels Strip Club in Flushing and also ordered her crew to attack them.
In June, the Bronx rapper was indicted by a grand jury on multiple charges. She was originally facing misdemeanor charges, but prosecutors presented the case to a grand jury after she rejected a plea deal in April. If convicted, Cardi B faces up to four years behind bars.
ExoticDancer.com readers may remember that back in 2019, Cardi B readily embraced her “stripper” past rather than hiding from it, as so many in her position tend to do. In an interview with CBS Sunday Morning, Cardi B reminisced about her days at the Satin Dolls club in Manhattan.
“A lot of women here, they taught me to be more powerful,” she said in that interview . “I did gain, like, a passion and love [for] performing. It made me feel pretty… I’m glad for this chapter in my life. A lot of people always want to make fun of me— ‘Oh, you used to be a stripper!’—I don’t ever regret it, because I learned a lot. I feel like it matured me.”
A stripper-makes-it-big feel-good story, right? Absolutely—until it all came crashing to a halt when she offered a shocking and disturbing revelation on her Instagram Live account. While discussing her past as a stripper, she discussed situations where customers asked her to leave the club and go to a hotel with them. “[I’d say], ‘Oh yeah, you want to fck me? Yeah yeah yeah, let’s go back to this hotel,’ and I drugged n***s up and I robbed them. That’s what I used to do.”