Just Landed: Scarlet Lyone


Hey Everyone! It’s Paulie K back with ya and it feels so good to be back! This time around I am happy to be with AINews.XXX, and their wonderful institution. Today we are talking to a wonderful, sexy porn star from the lucky Land Down Under, Australia! The gorgeous Scarlet Lyone had some time to sit down with me and shoot the shit.

Paulie K: Scarlet Lyonne, tell me about you.

Scarlet Lyone: I am from South West Australia. I am new to the business, started my website just last year.

PK: When you say you are new, how new are you?

SL: The first time I ever took a nude photo and put it on the internet was last year.

PK: That is really new.

SL: Yes, I was actually quite excited. That was back in March, of last year. I have not even done any xxx videos until Feb of this year.

PK: Tell me the name of your site, please.

SL: ScarletLyone.com

PK: Now there are not many Australians in your business.

SL: No no, I don’t think there are. I wanna say there’s not many Australians trying to make it to a certain level. Ever since the introduction of OnlyFans they are actually quite common over here but I think in terms of wanting the American market, there are very few, yes.

PK: Is OnlyFans big in Australia? I know over here it blew up overnight once the pandemic hit.

SL: Yes it has grown a lot in popularity over the last 6 months especially. Yes, it is quite common over here.

PK: Do you think that’s because of the virus or has Australia gone through some drastic perverted change?

SL: I think there is a lot of attention around it especially right now because a lot of the eastern states in Australia are in lockdown, so a lot of people are at home and therefore it’s affecting day to day jobs. The publicity that’s come out about all the girls who have been extremely successful on it has definitely helped spread the word. Whether or not that’s achievable for your everyday girl or not there’s still a lot of attention around it. A lot about that site is attention, just the sake of doing it for attention.

PK: It probably has something to do with money, too, right? I mean let’s not leave out the obvious. Girls are craving attention, sure, but a successful OnlyFans page comes with a huge bank account. I know here in America girls with 9 to 5 jobs have become overnight sensations and very rich.

SL: Oh yes, absolutely, yes.

PK: You know I have always wondered this, because nudity is viewed differently all around the world, as is porn – is porn a big deal in Australia? Or is it all hush—hush like here in America?

SL: No. It’s not talked about much, it’s not a topic that comes up in group conversations. It is illegal to film porn in a studio here, except for one or two places, so there is definitely a stigma against it. We are a young country and very isolated, so we’re not exposed to other cultures and concepts that embrace it. So porn is not that big over here, no. PK: It is illegal to shoot porn in a studio, in Australia? Are you crazy?

SL: Yes, yes it is. You have to use your home, and places like that.

PK: That is nuts! Actually, most people are working from home these days anyway, so it kind of fits right in. If porn is not that big over there, I have to ask, what on Earth made you get into this biz?

SL: From a young age I have been quite a sexually driven person. It’s just how my body works.

PK: I love it!

SL: I am such a sexual being. Everything is sexual to me. My mind just goes right to sex, everything I look at, I can’t help but think about using in a sexual way.

PK: So I guess you like to be watched.

SL: Oh yes. Yes indeed. I love it. I didn’t realized I loved being watched until I started my website, actually. It started off as being watched over the computer on social media, and grew from there. When I was doing my fitness videos or my cooking videos I found that I connected with an audience, and I really enjoyed it, whereas here in Australia no one really paid attention to it.

PK: So you made cooking videos?

SL: Yes I had this idea of being a Lingerie Chef on Instagram. So I ran with that for a bit, and I really liked being in front of the camera and connecting with people and thought that this was something I really wanted to do.

PK: Oh a Lingerie Chef – how kinky!! I love it. Your look is so unique. What is it!?

SL: My Mom and Dad are from Indonesia, a place called Bali.

PK: You are part Bali – and Australia.

SL: I was born and raised in Australia, yes. I have lived here for 22 years, and in UK for a couple of years.

PK: Wow, your parents are very good at making babies, because you look fantastic.

SL: Dad is also half Chinese. So we have Chinese and Indonesia, with a few years of living in the UK.

PK: That is quite the recipe for a hot sexy woman! SL: Thank you.

PK: There are not many girls who look like you, part Chinese, part Bali, all Australian – I imagine you will do very well in America.

SL: Oh yes, I can’t wait. I think I’ve tried around 4 or 5 times to get over to the States, but the way things are now it is very difficult. When I go over I want to stay there for an extended period of time and really work on my business. So when I go there, I want to go with a Visa so I can stay and work. That’s something that is just very difficult to do right now. I mean, you cannot believe how bad it is to be in this industry and in Australia right now. I have no friends here that are in this business and that is something I am sorely lacking here. No support group here, really.

PK: So did you start your OnlyFans as a solo artist – with just yourself and your hot little body?

SL: Yes, I have never done a boy/girl scene yet.

PK: Okay so right now all your social media is just solo and girl/girl.

SL: Yes. Right now my Twitter is only R rated content. If you want the real naughty stuff, the X rated stuff you have to go to my website for that. My Snapshat is mostly just my day to day stuff.

PK: But you are planning some x rated boy/girl stuff in the future right?

SL: Yes I have big plans for that once I get to America.

PK: I am sure your name will be everywhere once you come here and start releasing content.

SL: Thank you. I would like to offer my fans more like a girlfriend experience where they fantasize about me and being with me and not just me and some guy or me with some girl, but rather focus on me and what I’m going to do next.

PK: Hey, that sounds good to me. I just love looking at you naked.

SL: Oh good, thank you. You know I’ve been watching the business closely these days and I’ve noticed most girls, most big name female porn stars are actually going from doing boy/girl scenes to solo or girl/girl only.

PK: Well you definitely have a very unique look that no other girl has, no matter what kind of scene you do, so that’s a big advantage right there.

SL: Thank you.

PK: Scarlet Lyone thank you so much for your time, I had a blast and you are really very sexy and I hope everyone checks you out.

SL: Well thank you Paulie K. I had a blast. See you in America very soon!!

Guys, if you wanna catch up with Scarlet, and I strongly suggest you do, catch her here at these places, but if you wish to see all of her amazing body, go to her site Scarletlyone.com. Twitter: @lyonescarletSnap: @LyonescarletOnlyFans: @scarletlyoneReddit: @Scarletlyoneofficlal

Thanks for spending some with me, Paulie K, and look for me next time here on AINews.xxx.

If you have any girls or guys you want to see featured on here just let me know.
