AEE 2019: Kelley Cabbana and Camming


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Rich Moreland

Kelley Cabbana

As a writer in the adult industry, I sometimes neglect the importance of camming in porn.

At the 2019 Adult Entertainment Expo, I had the opportunity to talk with some cammers to get their opinions on the industry and what it means to be a cam girl versus a porn star.

My first interview was with Kelley Cabbana.

The native Floridian is an established cam girl who is breaking into shooting scenes.

What accounts for the rise of camming, I ask?

“The webcamming industry is a variety of fetishes and girls. It’s like going to a buffet, you can have so much,” she says. “More and more girls are coming on board because they feel confident. Their body type, shape or size doesn’t matter.”

In other words, she says, “Everyone is welcome because there are so many needs that are met with that variety. It’s awesome.”

Have the fans changed?

“They feel more comfortable coming forward saying ‘Hey, I like this and I like that,'” Kelley exclaims, adding that taboos and fetishes are “more accepted” now than ever before.

We’re seeing a shift in attitude. What has caused it?

“Social media has allowed us to open up a whole new avenue of communication,” she states, that makes everybody comfortable.

I suggest that camming may be one of the blessings of social media.

She brightens. “It absolutely is. I agree with that!”

I’m interested in what Kelley targets as a concern for cammers.

The disconnect some girls feel because they can’t physically see the fans is a big issue, she responds.

“Unless they turn that camera on [from their end], you’re reading a script of what they’re asking you. That can be a barrier,” Kelley says.

Like most online girls, she loves “cam-to-cam” because she “gets to know [the fans] on a more personal level.”

In other words, “you’re my client, turn the cam on,” so Kelley says.

If they don’t turn, the one-to-one experiences is gone, but “you still have to be able to perform for them. So that’s the hardest [thing to do],” she adds.

Does Kelley think that cammers can become porn girls and vice-versa?

“The industry is changing,” Kelley says, but “there will always be video production” because there are people who “enjoy the fantasy of the film.”

She continues. “But there is something to be said for being able to sign in online and sit and talk either with a performer that you’re connected with or a porn star [who] also gets on cam for her fans.”

Again, Kelley emphasizes that interacting with a model one-on-one “surpasses any porn” because “it’s very personal.”

So, I ask, do we have two separate businesses now in porn?

There are “two different types of performers” and both are professionals, Kelley responds.

The cam girl “is due her respect for getting on cam and sitting there possibly for hours, delivering her services to her fans. They’re fulfilling the needs of the clients and the clients are realizing that whatever fetishes they can put out there, you’re gonna find that girl to fulfill your fantasy on a very personal level.”

“The porn model is still due her respect [also],” Kelley asserts. “She gets on the set, she performs. She is a professional in her field,” Kelley says.

However, I point out that cammers have to do it all themselves production wise. Be their own writer, producer, editor, and performer.

Kelly agrees. “Cam girls work hard for what they do. You have to promote yourself” and that is no easy task.

Though cam girls will never reach the filmmaking level studios offer, the porn fan still gets “the best of both worlds” because cammers “deliver to their fans what they want to see,” she explains.

“You get to interact with a real girl who’s loving sex and enjoying what she’s doing online.”

Kelley adds a personal note.

“I feel like I’m self-made. I haven’t worked for any large company. But yet I’ve had numerous [award] nominations. I’m so grateful because in an industry flooded with girls, to be nominated for a category is very humbling and I’m very grateful.”

From talking with Kelley, it’s evident that cammers are making their mark.

“It’s really cool to see how this industry is changing,” she says with a smile.

You can get the latest from Kelley Cabbana at