Source: PR 101
By: Company Press Release

Sally Forths sophomore script has been shot down by her base studio, Hard Art. The director wanted to do a hardcore remake of cult film El Topo. On Friday the studio slammed on the production brakes.
COO Jeff Sharp shouted into the phone, “Absolutely Not! I know the film she wants to parody, I may still have it on VHS and I remember that film taking place in the desert, and Im not going to allow Sally to march a caravan into Death Valley in September! It’s a bad recipe! She needs to look at a calendar when coming up with plots!” Then he hung up on us.
When we asked Forth about the obvious logistical challenges of shooting in Death Valley in the dog days of summer, she meekly replied, “I really never even thought of that it does get hot out there. Aside from the desert thing, I dont think they [Hard Art] were really down with the idea. A girl can tell, ya know? I guess it’s back to one.”
Sallys reboot of El Topo was to be the first release from her newly acquired three picture deal with HartArt.
Forth offers an explanation and continues with, “It was going to be an ass-kicking show with a female lead… I had it just about all worked out in my head. It was really going to be something!”
Pulse Distribution still has a limited stock of current Hard Art product. Retailers interested in stocking Hard Art’s product please contact Pulse Distribution at this email and phone number: 818-435-1615, or Jeff Sharp at