Hard Art’s Hypersexual


Source: PR 101

By: Company Press Release

Hard Art

Hard Art is in production on their inaugural release directed by newcomer Sally Forth. “They shot all last weekend and I was told the footage was being edited at Top Sound in the San Fernando Valley,” says COO Jeff Sharp.

Things aren’t what they seem though, and they may have to re-shoot! When asked what’s going on Sharp explains, “Hey look, I understand, in the simplest terms, you shoot a video and then the editor edits, puts credit titles on the end and its done! Now our director informs us she needs to complete the edit and then – and ONLY then – she can finish shooting the show! I never came across this method nor has anyone else I’ve spoke with.” [sic]

Hard Art’s first release will be called “Hypersexual” and will hopefully hit the street without reshooting.

“Sally tells me she still has shooting funds left. She also said, this procedure was designed and budgeted for the wraparound.” Sharp concludes, “So I can’t bitch too much but it screams of reshooting, and that makes me nervous. Our agreement was that we leave her alone, so that’s what we’re dong. Time will tell. The art work is hot off the press and we’re very pleased with it.”

From what Sharp says I’m thinking we may be watching a company burn out before it’s first release. I hope Pulse isn’t holding the bag for Hypersexual! And I hope Sharp approves this press release!

Retailers interested in stocking Hard Art’s Hypersexual, if and whenever it gets to their shelves, please contact Pulse Distribution here:

