Source: Adult Performers Actors Guild (APAG)
By: Company Press Release

The Adult Performers Actors Guild has initiated an investigation into recent allegations of on-set sexual assault and abuse. These allegations were made on social media by a female performer against the producer of the scene in question, and her male co-star.
The performer has also filed a police report.
A second female performer has also made similar allegations against the same producer and male performer.
APAG President Alana Evans has contacted the producer who has promised to fully cooperate with the investigation.
As we move forward, we need to address immediate concerns that this brings to light. Fear of speaking out, fear of saying no, and the fear of losing a paycheck should never supersede your ability to say no. We need to empower our performers and give them the strength to use their voice. No woman or man should ever feel afraid on set. We feel that instead of using “safe words” when you are having an issue, the words No, Stop, or Cut should be used. This makes a clear distinction between what is acceptable and what is not.
In the meantime, we encourage all producers and performers to utilize the Benz List, a performer consent form that outlines a performer’s preferences and limits with regard to costars, sex acts, and “rough” sex scenes.
APAG is currently developing a producer rating system for performers’ safety and protection. This system will serve to make available a prospective producer’s industry rating and any complaints that may have been filed against him/her by performers. APAG hopes this system will be an important step toward industry accountability and help to expose producers who assault, coerce, defraud, or otherwise exploit adult industry talent.
If you are a performer who feels he/she/they has been abused or mistreated on set, we encourage you to contact the APAG at . All conversations will be kept confidential.
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