Source: Letters to the Editor
By: Kora Peters

“Take a lesson from Belle Knox and learn to move on!” – A Letter to the Editor from Kora Peters
I am writing this article today to let the world know that they need to learn a lesson from Belle Knox and move on! Belle left the adult industry in 2015 and Never looked back. She has since graduated from Duke University and is working to become the woman that she wants to be. It seems the rest of the world can learn something from Belle, like moving forward.
It sickens me to see her image, likeness, and story used in peoples campaigns, websites, and social media for their gain. Maybe the FSC, Netflix, Lifetime, and others need to take a moment and reflect on their actions. They all say they are concerned about young women being exploited and yet that is Exactly what they are doing to Belle. Nobody asked her permission to use her images, likeness, or story for their campaign or movie. Belle was not financially compensated for any of these ventures, but her life was turned upside down by each of them.
The FSC has a campaign against Netflix for giving out peoples information without permission and yet they used her story and likeness in their campaign to her dismay. Ironically enough, thats the exact opposite of the message that their campaign is supposedly trying to send to rally people and funds against other people doing the same thing.
She is not the little girl that was taken advantage of, learned the hard way about life, and made it big in an industry that most are lucky to survive. She is a woman who is working hard to secure the kind of future and life that she wants and deserves away from the adult industry. She is amazing in that she is not only beautiful, intelligent, knows more about life than people twice her age, but also has the strength and fortitude to endure constant ridicule as she moves forward in life. Why should a woman like this have to pay constantly for the decisions she made as a young girl?
I am asking you, with Belles permission, to let her go! Stop using her, exploiting her, and holding her back! The main obstacle in her way is that her past wont stay behind her because of people that claim to want to help, but do the exact opposite. She has moved on and is asking you to do the same!