Getting Into Porn


Source: Adult Industry News
By: Steve Nelson

The following is my standard advice to those asking to get into porn. I’ve been asked so many times I’m going to just send this URL next time I’m asked.

If you are a guy:

The best way for a single guy to get into adult movies is if a hot girl requests you for a scene. Then you get ONE chance to perform. You need to live where the agencies and shooting takes place, that is the San Fernando Valley, California, USA. I would pretty much give up the idea until you either move out to the San Fernando Valley here in California, or find someone shooting where you live now.

When you have a girl who will request you in a scene you must contact an agency that also represents men. Present the girl to them and if she is accepted she MAY be able to request you as talent for your first scene. Search to find their websites, email, and phone numbers. I am not affiliated with these agencies therefore you cannot say I referred you to them.

Another idea is find a girl who will do webcam shows with you and you may get a fan following. You must search and find cam websites to join. You have to do this yourself. I do not have time to do any more than I have taken the time to do for you here by giving you this information. I wish you the very best of luck with all this.

The following is some useful advice I give to the girls.

A Word About Nude Modeling:

If you are thinking that nude modeling is a quick way to make fast money, you are thinking about doing it for the wrong reason. Unless you have aspirations to pursue nude modeling as a life-long career, and will be firm in your decision as to what you are comfortable doing and not doing in front of the camera, then nude photography is not for you.

The repercussions of shooting semi-nude or topless pictures has come back to haunt even top pageant winners who have been asked to surrender their titles when these photos come to light years later. Once you take your clothes off in front of the camera, many doors of opportunity will slam shut.

A Word About Porn:

The same goes even more-so for shooting porn. Once you have sex in front of the camera it can’t be undone. Before going ahead with a job that might pay the bills for a month and set you back decades in life, stop and ponder the decision. Don’t fool yourself into thinking no one will find out. Everyone will eventually find out.

Make sure your family is OK with your decision to become a pornstar. Remember too, you one day may have to explain to your future children what you were doing naked with a bunch of people on the roof of a toolshed. If there’s a chance you might regret the decision, don’t do it.

Consider the health risks. It’s a hazardous job where the only thing between you and crippling or fatal sexually transmitted disease is a thin layer of latex or the trust you must have in a strange partner that they’ve been tested properly.

Consider the stalkers. Men all over the world will see you in your most intimate moments and a great percentage of them will think they know you intimately from what has been edited and released. You will be recognized in stores and on the street, when you are with your family or people you’re dating, and they will assume that you are the same way off camera as you portray on camera and say and do inappropriate things in front of your grandmother or small children. They will think you will want to have sex with them and will be angry when you don’t. Some will try and follow you home, find out your real name, plan “chance meetings” where they are sure you will up and have sex with them. Some will even get violent when you show no interest.

In a word, if you are thinking about shooting porn – Don’t! Think about it CAREFULLY – and if you are still hell-bent to play in the cat box, for heaven’s sake, let me point you towards people who aren’t predators and will do your career some good!


Steve Nelson
Adult Industry News