Jillian Janson at AEE 2017


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Rich Moreland

Jillian Janson

Jillian Janson interview at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo 2017 by Rich Moreland

Jillian Janson is blonde and perky with alluring eyes. She’s also a rising superstar.

Entering porn at eighteen, Jillian has grown fast in the business and describes herself now as “twenty-one going on thirty.”

I mention some girls get shot out early and Jillian must have buffered her career wisely to still be around after three years.

“The fans are all about the new girl because they see too much of girls who work every day,” she says. Veterans know this and are aware of the pitfalls that can eat up untested ambitions.

A newbie comes in with instant stardom created by “doing everything right away,” Jillian says, “then they wonder why six months later, two years later, they win an award but they’re never working because they are worn out.”

Though Jillian has learned to pace her career, she says, “I’m still getting recognized for [awards like] female performer, best oral, best anal. It makes me want to work even harder.”

In the meantime, Jillian is branding her name with feature dancing and a new website, TheRealJillianJanson.com.

“I still have a few things in mind to work on, but I’m so excited to get that [the site] going, it’s going to be girl/girl because I haven’t been able to experiment with girls much,” Jillian says with a smile.

Since she has been around for a while, I ask Jillian what three pieces of advice she would offer a new girl.

First, take things slowly.

“You don’t want to necessarily do everything right away. Do things in increments. You’re brand new and you don’t know what you want to do” so take it in steps.

“I’ve balanced everything pretty well. I take enough time off, kind of make everyone miss me,” she says with a twinkle in her eye.

She was careful with her career from the beginning. Jillian began with photo shoots, did boy/girl before moving onto girl/girl. Then she added IR to her resume.

What’s her next tip for the eager starlet?

“Be yourself, be charming, be unique, be caring,” and most important, “be positive, be nice, if you’re not going to say anything nice, don’t say it at all,” Jillian insists.

But be prepared for the downside of the business.

“You’re going to get knocked down, so get yourself back up again.”

Some industry people will “help you out and be there for you,” Jillian says, but they’re the few, so “be there for yourself.”

And, of course, there’s the third lesson for every fresh face who is instantly earning more money than most teenagers just dream about.

“Be patient. Be smart with your money. You don’t want to blow it on everything you want right away because the little things don’t add up to the big things that you want.”

She admits she’s spent too much on clothes, for example. “So that’s money wasted when it could have gone into a new car or a new house or getting a business together.”

Finally, I ask about Jillian about her background.

Her parents were not married, in fact they never dated, she says.

“I call myself a ‘hit-and-run.’ It’s like you go to a party, you drink, you have sex with somebody, and you don’t see them for four years. That’s how my mom pretty much had me,” Jillian’s smile softens her serious undertone.

“‘Hit-and-run’ or ‘one night stand’ is what you call ’em!” She laughs with a touch of resignation.

Jillian does understand the circumstances of how these things happen, however.

“You have to have some fun. The industry is so fun, the parties, the events, everything that goes on here. It’s an entertaining experience.”

This Midwestern lass considers herself to be an independent spirit, not surprising when you hear her story.

Beginning her career as a web cam model in August 2013 when she turned eighteen, Jillian was still in a high school in Minnesota, working to help support her mom. California quickly popped up on her radar at the behest of an agent and a move westward led to a career… A lot of responsibility for a schoolgirl making her way on her own.

But it has paid dividends for her and her fans.