Cindy Starfall Interview


Source: Adult Industry News

By: Rich Moreland

Cindy Starfall

Still the Same Girl: Cindy Starfall. By Rich Moreland

Cindy Starfall is an atypical porn star.

Vietnamese by birth, Cindy emigrated to the States and finished her education at an all-girl Catholic school.

Entering porn in 2011 as a cam girl, Cindy shot her first hardcore scene in March 2012.

This twenty-eight year old loves everything from IR to gangbangs, has an online store, and feature dances.

All pretty standard for a porn girl, so what part of her is not typical?

Cindy is a swinger and loves to talk about it.

“It was way before porn,” Cindy begins. In college, she was doing web cam shows and a friend approached her about swinging.

Uncertain at first, she turned him down, but later changed her mind.

“But I went to a swinger club and it was awesome. People were so nice and I like the environment when it’s just purely sex with nothing involved.”

Do people in the swinger clubs ever make her uncomfortable?

“Sometimes,” Cindy replies. Stalking is always a danger, but the clubs have security, she adds.

Swinging can also encourage emotional overreach so Cindy sets her parameters early on.

“I tell every couple that I play with that this is just sex, no relationships. In the swing community it is very important that you set that rule because of all the drama that is going on.”

People can go as couples or singles, Cindy explains. Single girls like Cindy are called unicorns, by the way.

Membership is part of the deal and people are “invited privately so it’s not open to the public,” she adds.

The atmosphere is congenial.

“It’s definitely a club,” Cindy says. Members introduce themselves and if couples like each other, “You can take it to another level. You can go upstairs [to the] playroom.”

Sometimes Cindy uses the club to meet people for future arrangements. “If I like them then I go forward to setting up a date, I call it a date, but it’s not.” At least not like we think of dating, Cindy clarifies.

“It’s just sex. I don’t go to dinner, to a movie,” she insists. Cindy wants the couples she plays with to stay together.

What about sexual limits?

They can be set, Cindy says. Every couple is different. Some may not like kissing, others may want their spouses in separate rooms or insist they be in the same room, and some people have rules about pictures.

Her personal rule?

“I’ll only do it with your wife there.”

In fact, Cindy prefers a threesome where possible.

Has swinging had a positive effect on her porn performances?

“Yes. Moving into porn [was] not a scary thing for me,” Cindy says.

Swinging improved her porn shoots because “I realized I like the turn on of being watched. I love being in front of people.”

When there’s group sex in the clubs and photos are being snapped, it’s “essentially is the same thing” as porn except with adult film she becomes an actress.

“People watch me through the camera and I feel very comfortable doing what I’m doing on camera.”

Growing up in “A strict household” made her “very shy,” Cindy says. “I was not a confident girl until I started the swinger lifestyle.”

But things have changed.

“I’m more comfortable with my body now. I’m a way more confident girl than I was, let’s say, years before porn.”

For the most part, an adult film set promotes a protective environment. Does swinging do the same?

“Porn is very safe on set,” she asserts. “You come in, do your work, and you get paid. Everybody is very professional.”

But you still “have to take care of yourself,” Cindy says, and the same holds true for swinging.

Cindy offers what is most important about porn.

“You have to be very comfortable with your body. You can’t be insecure, you have to know how your body works.”

Though Cindy was always a sexual person, she held it in.

“I was never okay with my body. But now I know who I am and I own it.”

The mix of swinging and porn has built Cindy Starfall’s confidence but she is careful to keep her profession in perspective, something her swinger friends recognize.

“I’m still the same girl. Way busier now but I’m still the same, so it doesn’t change me.”

Now that’s healthy indeed!