Source: Adult Industry News
By: Rich Moreland

A Tribute to Christian Mann By Rich Moreland
Like all of us associated with the adult industry, I knew a final tribute to Christian Mann was only a matter of time. I just didn’t realize how soon that would be. On April 7 and November 1 of 2013 in this space, I talked about Christian’s cancer and his fight against what everyone suspected, but held quiet, would overcome him in the end.
The accolades published elsewhere about Christian are so thoughtful and insightful, there is little to add. Reflecting what others have said, the Christian Mann I knew was always open, humorous, friendly, and willing to chat and pass his wisdom to others.
When I began my association with the adult business, I discovered that breaking into a community that is not always trusting of outsiders had its moments. Thankfully, Bill Margold helped my efforts early on and meeting Christian came through him.
As if predicting what events would bring, Bill inducted Christian into Las Vegas’ the Legends of Erotica just a few months ago. It was grand evening and I was lucky to be there (see my column of January 21, 2014). In his customary upbeat manner, the Evil Angel general manager joked, told stories, and as the show concluded, proudly walked out among the crowd with his beloved Melissa on his arm.
Now, sadly, the real end has come and what to say as a good-bye? Perhaps a moment to consider Christian’s legacy is appropriate.
Adult film pokes around the edges of our collective soul and dares us to look squarely at sexuality as a part of our culture. In fact, pornography has always been a political statement about unfettered artistic expression, freedom of speech and thought, and the rights of those whom society has shunted aside.
Looking at his collective resume, most recently augmented by a new venture, President of the Free Speech Coalition, it is clear Christian Mann understood pornography’s place in an open society. He promoted gay and interracial porn, fought obscenity charges, and closely guarded the industry’s political voice.
A well-educated speaker of four languages, Christian reveals a truth many never see in the adult community: intelligent and artistic people doing what they love despite incessant criticism from occupiers of a self-proclaimed high moral ground.
Pornography promotes what the vilifiers fear, sexuality’s capacity to bring immense joy and liberation to the human spirit. Unfortunately, too often our fundamental humanness is crushed by the opposite, a sense of terrible shame that lurks within, fed by society’s anti-sex attitudes programmed into us since childhood.
Christian Mann understood this contradiction and tweaked society’s prudery to make a statement about freedom.
That is Christian’s legacy and his memory will go on, inspiring others to demystify sexuality and edge adult film closer to mainstream American culture.