Source: Adult Industry News
By: Rich Moreland

A Bad Deal – A short piece on Christian Mann by Rich Moreland
I met Christian Mann for the first time last October. He graciously welcomed me to his office at Evil Angel Productions, where his personality’s flair and wit entertained my questions about the company and its owner, John Stagliano. Christian had set aside an hour of his time for me, but we took longer. That says a lot about a person who agreed to talk with someone he knew only through emails.
Of our conversation that day, what sticks in my mind is the image of Christian impersonating the late Reuben Sturman, one of the most colorful characters ever in the adult business. Christian, whose employer was renting space from Sturman at the time, remembers the day Reuben calls him into his office. Using his pen as a cigar, Christian imitates the kingpin of porn distribution. With captivating humor, he leans forward and quotes the legend’s advice on the best way to regard a proposed deal.
“No deal is better than a bad deal,” Christian says, never imagining that another kind of bad deal is already on his doorstep. Christian explains that Reuben’s advice has guided him for twenty-five years because “A young man’s instinct is to force a deal,” he says.
Before I leave his office, Christian and I arrange to meet again in Las Vegas during the Adult Entertainment Expo. I have ideas in mind for my next book and I want his input.
Fast forward to January. I run into Christian on the floor at the Hard Rock Hotel and he invites me to the Evil Angel suite after hours to chat. John Stagliano sticks around and joins the conversation that evening. It is, as the TV commercials say, ‘priceless.’
But there is an ominous sign. Getting around with the assistance of a cane, Christian complains of discomfort in his back. He is returning to L.A. In the morning to visit a physician.
The announcement came a few days later. Christian Mann is ill with cancer, another shocker at a time when industry legends are facing bad deals… Fred Lincoln and Harry Reems have sadly passed. Thankfully, Ron Jeremy has dodged his own personal tragedy.
The good news is Christian is moving forward. As I write this piece, surgeries and extensive hospital time are his way of life. His cancer is serious, but I know Christian will win in the end. His response to this bad deal is to figure out a way to come out on top. Cancer can be conquered with a slow and deliberate fight that can’t be forced. It will take its time, but it will work.
In his typical intellectual fashion laced with his unstoppable humor, Christian and his personal goddess and support system, Melissa, are maintaining a blog at Check it out and see where Christian is now in his battle.
Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, whatever your preference.
I’m due to make another trip west and I fully expect to visit a healthy Christian Mann. After all, he is destined to show Reuben Sturman how to overcome a bad deal.