Source: Rising Star PR
By: Company Press Release

(VENICE, CA) — If you want to keep up with MILF superstar Diana Prince, you’ll probably want to do more than just keep your eyes on her Twitter account. That’s because this week she’ll be in Vegas for the Adult Entertainment Expo. How will you spot her in a sea of porn stars? Just look for those magical eyes, which can be spotted a mile away!
Diana’s been putting all her energy into a mainstream film that she’s been working on, which is why she plans to play it loose while in Vegas. She’ll be doing cam interview from after-parties for some pop culture sites, but as she said, “It’s nothing too official or organized. I’m just going to go and see what happens.”
And what happens in Vegas won’t necessarily stay in Vegas. She’ll be involved in shoots that will be edited into her adventures with Chad Lindberg (from Fast and the Furious and Supernatural) for relaunch of Poparitaville and on Lindberg’s Funny or Die site. She’s also doing some mini-shoots on location for the Naughty Bomb site, which launches next month.
“We will be going to some of the after parties and talking to whoever happens to be around and showing people who can’t make it to the festivities some of the wildness that goes on,” Diana said.
Since not everyone can make it to Vegas, there are things for the at-home fan, too. This week sees the release of Naughty Anal MILFs from Naughty America, and she’s on the cover of Wicked’s Cougars vs Kittens 2, which has her Ash Hollywood in a gentle competition over some guy’s cock.
Follow Diana on Twitter @DianaPrinceXXX. Her personal website is coming soon! For more on Diana visit