Platinum Puzzy Profile


Source: Kari Anthony PR

By: Company Press Release

Platinum Puzzy

Platinum Puzzy, also known as Kari Anthony, is larger than life… literally. She doesn’t take offense to her plus size, but she does take her “BBW niche” business very seriously.

Platinum Puzzy was born February 1, 1975, on Port Hueneme naval base in California, and began her break into Internet web modeling at the age of 30. Starting out on a low budget multi-girl site, she taught herself the basics of marketing, web development, and digital editing and began pushing her career to new heights. Though choosing to only shoot with one major company, Plumper Pass, she has still become a self-made Industry name.

“My choice not to shoot for mainstream companies was in part due to the lack of interest, since I had created such a name for myself online and wasn’t a fresh new face anymore. Also, there just isn’t a ton of work for BBW niche models in our industry, so it’s just easier to keep control of what I shoot, who with, and where it appears,” says Platinum Puzzy.

Over the span of her nearly 8 years in the business, she has taken on such projects as running the social network site BBWGirlTweet, a product of Naughty Tweet Network, which features plus-sized performers and porn stars twitter feeds and profiles. Her biggest project yet is the involvement and now co-ownership of BBW FanFest, a BBW adult trade show, awards banquet and ceremony, seminars, live entertainment and parties all celebrating women with curves. It’s the first of its kind. BBW FanFest is an adult event designed to showcase the ladies of a widely unaccepted and ostracized niche within the adult entertainment industry. This event takes place in Las Vegas July 26-28, 2013.

She took home the “BBW of the Year” from Urban X 2011 Awards as well as “Best adult internet talk show” and was nominated for “Best BBW website.”

Platinum Puzzy is not just a name that catches your attention, her ambition and determination has been noticed and brings hope to many amateur performers who are often over looked by industry professionals for their unique features.

There is much more to come from this inspirational BBW, so make sure you bookmark her website