Source: Rising Star PR
By: Company Press Release

(VENICE, CA) — Alia Janine is a contestant in the contest and you can help Alia spread the holiday spirit with those in need and find themselves in unfortunate circumstances this holiday season. Alia has vowed to donate $25,000 if she wins the Girl of the Year and $1000 for Girl of the Month- that’s $26,000 in all to assist in Sandy relief. She’s looking to help others, but she needs your help to do so.
The beneficiary will be a Hurricane Sandy disaster relief fund. A few simple clicks could go a long way to helping people in desperate need get the supplies they need to survive. And that’s not all. Rarely have fans had to do so little to help so much, and they can feel great in the process as they are going to help a great cause with the Sandy relief efforts. The organization that will receive the funds is All Hands Volunteers, which has a long history of helping in relief efforts throughout the world. Their site is at
“I love the East Coast and it is devastating to travel there and see so many working families without the basic necessities of life and still living shelters,” she said. “Every state has some force of nature that can cause civilized lives to be turned upside down, without exemption or remorse. I feel, as a nation, it is our duty to help those when a disaster hits, because it can very well happen to any of us. Times are tough for most people though, and it’s hard to give something they don’t have. This contest is the perfect opportunity for fans and industry members help those that truly need it, especially this time of year, and all they would have to do is vote.”
To vote for Alia all one needs to do is go to girl/. You’re just a click away from helping others.
Alia was the guest star on the Busty Blog Site, so go here to check that out: alia_janine/
Alia’s “book me!” page:
Look for more at and For more on Alia Janine visit Follow her Twitter @alia_janine.