Source: PR 101
By: Company Press Release

Author/Artist Will Jarvis Launches Collaborative Publishing Project
“Sci-fi that’s just a little different” is how author Will Jarvis describes his new book project “Erin Starfox”. The campaign to publish the book recently launched on Kickstarter. “The concept of the book is different,” says the author, “so the means by which the book is published should be as well.”
Written by Jarvis and others, including “Doctor Who” author Simon Guerrier, and illustrated by artists including Frank Brunner (whose previous work includes Marvel Comics’ “Doctor Strange” and “Howard the Duck”), Carolyn Edwards and Marcus Jenkins, “Erin Starfox” explores, in words and images, a science fiction universe filled with wonder and delight.
Jarvis says, “‘Erin Starfox’ was a collaborative effort from the start, so why not test the waters in advance, so to speak, to see if the fans feel as strongly about the concept as those of us who worked on it? This first book may or may not fly, but we’ve got other book projects ready to go. We’re going to see what the fans like, and then publish. That’s a little different too.”
The URL for the project is here: – or go to and search for Erin Starfox.
“As an author, I’m keenly aware of how important it is for the voices of the people to be heard, and how difficult it often is for those voices to be propagated thru the mainstream. That’s why I want to create books by voices that offer alternatives to the mainstream. Though not specifically about gays and lesbians, for example, the “Erin Starfox” stories are LGBT-friendly.”
The stories and the art compliment each other, work together to tell the story. “It could be the next step in the evolution of visual literature,” Jarvis affirms.
About Will Jarvis
Will Jarvis is a published author whose short stories and articles have appeared in a number of magazines and newspapers. He lectures at various conventions and on college campuses, and has been a guest on TV and radio talk shows and other shows including “Best Talk in Town,” “Louie Theroux’s Weird Weekends” and “So Graham Norton”. “My writing credits range far and wide,” Jarvis says, “as for my art, well, that runs the gamut from ‘A’ to ‘A,’ but you must admit there’s a rather wide gamut between ‘American Dowser Quarterly Digest’ and ‘Adult Video News.'” The author/artist also critiques and works as a book doctor and script doctor.
Politics is Jarvis’ passion away from his keyboard and art table, and he’s tackled issues on the state and local levels, addressing state legislators in Sacramento and working with his local neighborhood council. His issues are free speech and expression. “Censorship is the cancer of a free society,” Jarvis states. “The First Amendment is first for a reason.”
Contact: Will Jarvis Phone: 818-693-6757 E-Mail: Web: and